Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Bailey's POV

Driving up the main road littered with crumbled up red and orange leaves, then past the massive sign with the school name on it, I smile to myself. I'm finally back. After three months, I've returned to what I call my second home. Everything looks the same as when I packed away and left campus in June with Niall, Aubrey, and Kyle. That day feels like just yesterday.

So did the day I flew back home to England from Ireland back in July. I loved that trip. I was able to spend two amazing weeks with Niall in his hometown.

The rest of the month of July and all of August was spent at home. I counted down the days until I would set foot on this campus soil. There was nothing to do at home and everyone I love and crave to see are all here.

I definitely wasn't going to spend any more time with Harry. In two months, I saw him once. I was shopping with Mum when he walked by us. She recognized him instantly and halted him with a wide smile and a loud "Hello dear!" The entire encounter was tremendously awkward. Harry was a gentleman and friendly chatted to Mum while she asked mindless questions about what he's been up to and how she hadn't seen him in ages.

What she didn't know was that he kissed me without notice or permission and I almost lost my boyfriend to that. There was limited eye contact between him and I during that short four minutes. When he politely excused himself at the end, there was a cough and then a "Goodbye Bailey" to which I nodded, and he left.

Honestly, I felt a bit guilty. Though what Harry did was uncalled for, all he wanted was to be closer to me and get to know me again. Feelings well up at times and cause a person to do something without thoroughly thinking it over in their mind. I believe that is what happened to Harry. But the effects of that kiss are what is making me keep a distance from him. It was extremely heart wrenching to see Niall the way he was when I told him. I don't think I could ever forgive Harry for what he did though I truly, truly wish I could.

I'm not sure how long I stood on the pavement in the parking lot, beside the car. I was stationary, grinning widely as I looked all around at the buildings, trees, students passing by. Everything.

I missed being here so much.

I could hear my father unloading all my stuff from the back of the car. It took forever to pile everything in, cramming boxes and bags together to almost unsuccessfully fit everything. After that, the trunk door wouldn't shut from all the contents pushing up against it. In the end, I ended up having to ram into it, causing the door to finally shut. My shoulder hurt after that..

From my stance, I could spot the all-too familiar coffee shop that I would go in practically every day. I watch the empty sidewalk, clearly remembering the day I was mad at Niall when I just met him and he found me out there as it started storming and ushered me inside. Then there was the time he forced me to leave Brandon who I was talking to and held my hand all the way to physics class just so I wouldn't go back.

Reminiscing over all the memories, my strive and wanting to see Niall boils up inside of me. After a long and hard month of not seeing him in person, I need to now. I need to kiss him, touch him, hug him. I hate being separated from him so much.

I aimlessly glance around, trying to spot him or anyone I know. Many students are walking around, holding up campus maps and trying to find their dorm hall.

Dorm hall..

My heart sinks at the thought. This year, I know for a fact that I have a roommate who can't be Niall. About a week ago, I received an email of notification from the administrations office here, informing me that I will be rooming with a girl from America named Hannah who's studying abroad this year.

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