Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Bailey's POV

In my attempt to get some extra sleep before Law, I ended up having five minutes in total to get changed and be out the door. The weather was chilly in the morning, so I quickly slipped on black leggings and a Manchester University sweatshirt. I let my hair be, not even trying to straighten the messy curls. My teeth were brushed and I piled all of my books in my arms. The door was pulled behind me and in one swift motion, I raced down the hall.

The trip to Law was spent speed walking. This was the last time I will try to get some extra sleep. Finally, I got through the building and basically sprint to the classroom. Before opening the door, I spend ten seconds to compose myself.

Everyone was sat in their seats and the professor was just entering the room from another door. A loud sigh emitted from my mouth once I sit down.

"Are you okay?" Aubrey whispered in my ear.

I responded by nodding my head. She turned back to the professor who was writing on the board. I could feel eyes burning through the back of my head. Niall. I had completely forgot that we have a date tonight. My body shuffled around in my seat, resting my head on my hands.


The professor dismissed the class and I slowly made my way out of the room. I rubbed my eyes to try and stay awake. I fully regretted staying up past three in the morning to catch up on Downton Abbey. Since being in college, I haven't been able to watch the current season. After I stayed up late, I had set my alarm to wake me up later than usual. It didn't really help.


Well that sure woke me up.

I turned around to see Niall zipping towards me.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Are we um..are we still on for tonight?" He nervously asked me. I was still so confused on how timid we were with each other. Just a couple days ago, I was yelling at him.

"Yeah, sure," I grinned.

"Cool. I have football practice later today, but if around five o'clock you could stop by the stadium, we could leave then," Niall arranged.

I smiled, agreeing to the plans. Niall twisted his backpack around and unzipped one of the pockets. His phone was pulled out.

"Can I get your number?" He weakly smiled.

"Sure," I giggled when he handed me the iPhone. I went into his contacts and typed in my number, along with my name.

"There you go."

I handed him back his phone and he grinned. "See you later, Bailey."

Niall walked off and I decided to go to the café before my next class. I had an hour and I needed some coffee badly.

The small café hasn't been open for very long and only a few people were milling around. I ordered a coffee and grabbed a blueberry muffin. The cashier thanked me and I took my breakfast to a small table in the corner. My backpack was set on the chair next to me. I took a sip of my coffee while scrolling through my Twitter. My phone buzzed, indicating that I had a text message. It read,

"Walk to Sociology with me?"

I was confused as who it is from, but my eyes wandered to the top of the screen. It was more than likely Niall judging from the number. I smiled to myself.

"I'm at the café. Meet me here?"

I hit send and waited for a reply. My coffee was halfway empty when he answered.

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