Chapter 17

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Sorry, this is going to be a short chapter :(

Chapter 17

Bailey's POV

I dreaded going into Law this morning. Niall is probably going to have his new cheerleader girlfriend sat on his lap while they're making out. I wouldn't be surprised if that is actually what's to come.

Right now, I could care less. I'll admit, at first it killed me. I cried myself to sleep that night. Crying just made me more mad...but at myself. This is what he wanted. He wanted me to cry, then end up crawling back to him, begging for a take back. But I refuse to let that happen. I'm stronger than he thinks.

I dressed for the kill this morning. Skinny jeans and a tight shirt. My hair is curled and brushed over one side of my shoulder. I added a thick layer of eyeliner and mascara. I smirked to myself. This should be good. Now he'll be the one crawling back.

Close to ten o'clock, I decided to leave, grabbing my bag and phone. I strode down the hallway, ignoring the many male glances I'm receiving.

The door to the classroom is slowly drawn open. As I walk in, I notice that Niall isn't sat in his usual desk next to Chase. Too ashamed to come to class? Ha. I take a seat next to Aubrey and she stares at me.

"Oh, honey he'll be drooling all over you," she giggles.

I turn my head to grin at her.

"That's the plan."

Thank god for Aubrey. After that horrible night, I had called her to come over. We watched endless soppy romance movies, and ate almost a tub of ice cream. It helped so much.

My mind had almost forgotten about Niall for a split second...until he walked into the room. His eyes went straight to mine. My grin fades and I glare at him. Niall shuffles to his seat with a questioning look. Oh like he doesn't know.


"I'd like to talk about the upcoming 'case'," the professor announces towards the end of class. "It will take place on Wednesday. For tomorrow's lesson, everyone will be given their character or job. Also, I will be telling you all what the story line is for the case. You will have exactly one day to review what you will say, and how you will address your character...Class is dismissed."

I pick up my books, saying a quick goodbye to Aubrey. She gives me a sympathetic look when she notices that I want to make a speedy departure, in hopes of dodging Niall. I make it out the door and outside to the freezing air. I get stuck at a traffic light, waiting for cars to drive by.


Oh shit. Ferociously, I push the button many times, trying to get the colors to change so I can cross the street without getting hit by a car.

"Hey! Wait up!" He calls after me.

The colors have switched and I speed down the street. I can hear the clunk of his boots behind me. My shoulder is taken in his grasp and I'm spun around.

"Aren't you going to walk with me?" Niall smiles.

"Fuck off," I spit, getting out of his reach.

My legs stumble over a large rock, but I recover quickly.

"Woah, hold on. What's wrong?" He asks, continuing to chase after me.

"Like you don't fucking know!" I yell.

Niall looks a little taken back by my word choice.

"No, I don't. Would you like to explain?"

I'm quick to bite back. "I'm sorry I'm not a cheerleader, Niall. I'm sorry I'm not the perfect girlfriend you dreamed of. Why would you fucking waist my time, if you were just going to cheat on me?!"

"Babe, what are you even-"

"Don't 'babe' me, Niall! I'm done. I'm through with whatever..this was," I shout, making hand motions between us. I'm really proud of myself for sticking up to him. I'm not a doll. I won't just be thrown around. He can't just decide to want me when he can have a cheerleader at his finger tips

"Done with us? You can't be serious, Bailey."

What is wrong with him? I'm on the verge of crying and he decides to play dumb?

"Except I am, Niall."

"Why?" He desperately takes my hands. "What happened?"

I swat his away from me. I'm about to explode.

"Chase showed me," I begin. "Chase told me to go outside and turn the corner after you completely left me at my volleyball game. We won, Niall. But you wouldn't know that because your tongue was being thrown down that fucking cheerleader's throat!" I scream.

Niall's mouth parts in shock.

"I know you only go for cheerleaders! I was told that at the beginning, but I refused to listen to them. I thought maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe it was a type. But I was wrong and they were right." I pause for a moment, inching closer to his trembling body.

"You bastard," I whisper before any actual thoughts come to my brain. For a moment, I regret saying that. I was harsh, possibly too harsh. Then again, he did cheat on me. Instantly, Niall springs forward, taking a hold of my waist.

"Bailey, please you have to listen to me! I-I didn't mean for you to get hurt it was-"

"Get away from me!" I shriek, cutting him off and squirming out of his arms. My legs begin to sprint down the pavement. Thankfully, he doesn't follow me this time. Tears run down my cheeks.

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