Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Bailey's POV

After taking a shower, I spend the entire afternoon upstairs in my bedroom. I'm not necessarily hiding from Niall, but I'm definitely not in the mood to be with him at the moment.

I choose a book that I brought with me and take it out to the balcony. With my feet propped up on the railing and the sweet sound of crashing waves, I easily dive straight into the novel.

It's when I'm on the second to last chapter and the sun's light source becomes dim that I realize just how late it is getting. I fold over the corner of the page I'm on, and shut the book.

I climb down the stairs and look around the main floor. The entire house is oddly quiet and almost every room has no lights on. It's quite eerie and creepy. Finally, I hear a faint sound coming from the living room. I'm not exactly sure why, but I don't enter at first.

"I'm boreddd." Kyle's the first one to speak, and he dramatically drags out the word.

"There's nothing to do," Aubrey joins in.

So that's where she is. I admit, I was surprised that she hadn't come upstairs to look for me this whole afternoon.

"There's this party next door. It's probably started already," Niall says and I can tell by the way he said it that he's shrugging.


Is that what that girl was talking to him about? The thought and image of her hands touching him makes me angrier by the second.

I take that moment to stride into the room.

"There's a party?" I ask aloud.

Their heads all turn to face me at the exact same time.

"Yeah," Kyle answers me. "It's at the house next to ours."

Maybe that girl lives there..

"I want to go," I say, not making eye contact with the blond haired boy sat on the sofa with a worried expression.

Hmm I wonder why, my sarcastic conscience breaks through.

"You're not going," Niall says sternly.

"Yes, I am." I turn to him.

The air in the room has gotten rather thick with tension. I can see Aubrey and Kyle sitting there and staring at us with questioning glances.

"No. You're not."

"Why not?" I challenge him.

"Because I'm not going."

I scoff at him, "So? I can go without you."

"Bailey. ." Niall warns me.

"What? I'm going, Niall." I stand my ground, crossing my arms.

I turn around and leave the room. Why doesn't he want me to go? Is he afraid I'll meet this girl he's been seeing.

Ha. I've got some words for her..

I make it halfway up the staircase before my arm is harshly taken. I do my best to hide my gasp. He creeped up on me, and I didn't hear him approaching me.

"I don't want you going to that party," Niall growls, to which I'm spun around.

I roll my eyes at him. "And I don't really care. Now excuse me, I have to go get ready," I curtly remark, twisting back around to make my way up the steps.

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