Chapter 47

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Previously in Be My Mascot:

The beating to the song playing over in the corner suddenly begins to fade. The volume dies down and people questioningly look around for any sort of explanation.

Everyone seems to then focus in on two men violently shouting at each other by the front door. One holds the other's shirt collar while yelling at the guy. It gets more intense as one begins to throw punches.

Each person who was once dancing and drinking are now all paying attention to these two.

"Give me my fucking money!" The man with the brownish beard demands loudly.

I don't catch what the other guy says but he shouts something back.

We all watch as the furious man reaches into his back pocket and digs out a black weapon.

My stomach churns at the sight and I find myself feeling lightheaded.

No. No this isn't happening.

Gasps and terrified shrieks flood the entire room. The armed man now turns to us, noticing that our complete attention has turned to him.

"What are you looking at?!" He aggressively yells.

With one quick and ear-splitting bang, a shot runs out through the entire house.

Bailey's POV

I don't know what direction the bullet went, or if it hit anybody. It didn't hit me and I pray long and hard that it didn't hit Niall.

The man who shook us all to the core looks at us one last time before sprinting out of the house. For one split second, everyone is quiet. Then, all at once.. we cry. It's loud and wailing like.

I can't control myself and the horrifed sobs roll out of me. I cannot believe what just happened. I shut my eyes and beg that this is all a dream, that this whole night was just a nightmare and a crazy man didn't actually just shoot a bullet through this house.

"Bailey!" I hear a voice desperately call my name over the strangled sobs. The sound of his thick Irish accent makes me fall to the ground and my sobs become bawls. I wrap my arms tightly around my legs as I huddle myself in disbelief. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life.

"Baby," Niall says more urgently. His arms cradle around me as I weep. Once his strong scent that I've come to adore registers in my brain as safety, I fling myself deeper into his warm body.

"It's gonna be okay," he promises in a quiet voice. But I can't believe him. Because that man, he could come back. With the same gun, or a bigger one, or maybe even an entire gang to wipe us out. The thought makes my stream of tears run heavier and thicker. I fight to try and find air. I know I'm experiencing a panic attack. This has happened before to me when I was a child. It's been so long, though, and I forget the techniques my mother taught me to calm myself down.

Niall pulls away only to examine my body, checking on my face, arms, chest, legs, everywhere.

"Are you hurt?" He gushes.

I shake my head, no.

"Someone call an ambulance!" A female voice screams from the back of the room. My heart plummets. Someone's been shot.

Niall stands up, scanning the area for where the girl's voice came from.

"I'm gonna go help, okay? Bailey, I'm begging you, please don't move. I'm sorry." He speaks the entire three sentences in one breath before kissing the top of my head. Niall sprints to the back where I dare not to look. I can't bear to look at someone who has a bullet coursing through them. What if he's dead? Oh my god.

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