Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Bailey's POV

Once I got in the comfort of my dorm room, I collapsed on top of the bed. I just wanted to fall asleep then and there. I covered my hands over my face. Sobs emitted from my mouth. Small tears formed in my eyes before cascading down my cheeks. Why was I crying? It was only Niall that I was running from. I shouldn't be getting this worked up. I kept on repeating the words I thought in my head while I ran.

I can't fall for a bully. That's a past that I never want to revisit.

And it's true. I hope to never come in any contact with the boy who ruined my childhood. He made me feel insecure and worthless. What killed me even more was that the boy who ripped me to shreds, looked a lot like Niall. The dirty blond hair was just the same. But of course, it wasn't Niall.

Eli Stromberg was the boy that stabbed at my heart. Just the thought of him made me cry harder. My mother knew about Eli. I was forced to tell her all about him when I came home from school, crying. Mum had sat me down and made me confess what had been happening since the third grade. I spilled every detail of every encounter that he had with me. I cried into her shoulder while I spoke.

In the ninth grade, my mother tranferred me to another school. One that didn't have Eli in it. I was happier and made many friends. But nothing could make me forget about the damage that boy caused.



Young Bailey Thomas made her way to the waste bin in the school cafeteria. She held her tray that still had remnants of her lunch. A plate of unfinished spaghetti and meatballs and a half-eaten brownie lay on the plate. Her feet carried her to the large bin where she would dump her food. However, the destination was never reached.

While she walked the aisle in between tables of kids, a boy stuck out his foot, right in the path of Bailey. She hadn't noticed the obstacle and her foot got trapped between his leg. With a sudden jolt, Bailey flung forward, crashing to the ground. The tray hit her body and the spaghetti had stained her new white shirt. Bailey sat up, looked down at her ruined outfit and immediately tears began to form in her eyes. Everyone was dead silent and watching her. You could hear a pin drop. Bailey looked around, mouth parted in shock.

The silence soon ceased when the cafeteria burst into laughs. The whole third grade was pointing at poor Bailey.

"Sorry, love," Eli chuckled over the noise.

Quickly, she wiped away the brownie that stuck to her leg. Bailey shot up, leaving the tray flat on the ground before sprinting out of the room.

Eli Stromberg never gave up on bullying, and teasing Bailey Thomas. There was never a real reason for him to do this. It was simply fun for him. When Bailey entered the seventh grade, her body was changing. Her thirteenth birthday had just passed about a week ago. Everyone else in the grade was changing along with her. Most boys had small dots of acne on their faces and girls' chests were growing, just like any normal teenager.

Going through these awkward changes can be hard for anyone, but for Bailey, Eli made it even more difficult for her. He had made another scene during an art class. They were painting banners to hang around the school.

Bailey and her friends were crowded around a large roll of paper. Their brushes were dipped into different colors of paint. Bailey had taken the red paint. As she made polka dots on the banner, some ink splattered on her clothes. At first, Bailey didn't think much of it. She wasn't wearing white and it just seemed to be on her sleeve. As she stood up to go wash her hands, a laughter broke out from someone. She wasn't surprised that it came from Eli.

"Look everyone," he announced. "Bailey's got her period!"

Her eyes widened at his words. What was he talking about? She hadn't got it yet. Bailey glanced down to her jeans. Right by that area, was splats of red paint.

Eli's words echoed through the room. His friends stared and laughed at her. She dropped her paintbrush and escaped from the art room.

Bailey's POV

*Present Time*

I had thought of all the horrific things Eli had done to me in my childhood. He had hurt me beyond words. There was nothing I could do. I can't go back in time and change the things he said and done to me. When I switched schools in ninth grade, I regained my confidence. My new friends were so supportive. I was no longer afraid, or insecure.

Niall was just like Eli. He throws kids around like it doesn't even matter. He has no clue what he actually is doing. I wish he understood. I wish Niall would change. I could never, ever be in a relationship with someone who bullies. It just won't happen.

I changed into a different set of clothes. One that wasn't drenched in rain water. I sat on my bed, staring into space when something caught my eye. I peered over to the door. A piece of paper slid through the bottom crack. It sat still on the hardwood. My curious nature made me travel over to it. I bent over, picking up the note. In dark letters, it read:

Please, we need to talk. I want to explain some things to you. Meet me at the field outside Western Hall tonight at 8:00.

N x

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