Chapter 40

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Ayame crawled into bed, burying her face into her pillow as sleep overtook her.

Auriel sat expectantly in his cage, looking down at Ayame's arrival.

"I️ know." She announced as he leaned down.

"Well congratulations." He hummed. "I don't care."

"Why Do you Tailed Beast hate humans so much?" She yelled, drawing his attention.

"Why? You ask us why?! Because when you're held captive inside a tiny little body, restricting you from enjoying yourself and living life, you learn to hate."

"If holding you in our bodies will stop you all from murdering people, I'd do it in a heartbeat." She argued, looking up at him. "I can't stop you from killing people with my words, but I will find a way to find some love in you."

"There is no more love in me." He growled, looking away. His eyes widened and flickered back to see Ayame, her hand on his nose.

"Yes there is." She stayed seriously. "You've Just forgotten what it feels like. Don't worry though, I'll help you draw it out again."

"Why are you so confident?" He growled, Ayame drawing her hand back.

"Because, you're different." She shrugged. "I can tell...there's something inside you I never saw inside of Shukaku or Kurama with Naruto." She hesitated. "Do you hate me?"

He hesitated at the question, looking away.

"No." He growled, Ayame staring up at him. "I can't. Even though I try my hardest, I can't seem to just...hate you."

"Wow." She whispered, grasping the bars of his cage. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Auriel!"

"I told you not to call me that!" He roared. "Learn some respect."

"Fuck that!" Ayame laughed. "Auriel is your name, is it not?"

He growled and looked away. "Yeah..."

"Then that's what I'll call you. It's disrespectful to call you out of your name." She corrected him and crossed her arms.

"You know, talking to you isn't so bad." Her eyes widened and she suddenly glared up at him. " come you never said anything about you being a tailed beast?!"

"Do you lack common sense?" He huffed as she crossed her arms.

"How was I supposed to know?! I thought there were only nine tailed beast! Not ten!"

"Well, technically there is." He hummed. "I was created with the other beast and raised by the Sage of Six Paths as well, but learning I was kept separated most of the time. He feared the Ten Tailed Beast would return and take over the world so I was hidden and trained in secrecy to be able to take down the beast if anything were to happen. I was hidden and kept a secret until Jiraiya found me."

"Jiraiya?" She whispered as Auriel nodded. "He introduced me to Manzo and, Yasmin who was pregnant at the time. I was sealed into your womb by a special seal only the Uchiha knew of." He explained.

"So you're technically hiding inside of me?" She asked.

"If you want to put it like that." He nodded. "The seal was never my favorite, but it keeps me and your world safe."

"If you wanted to stay hidden then why the hell do you keep taking me over?" She narrowed her eyes, earning a shrug in reply.

"I get bored." He replied, Ayame glaring up at him.

"That was a bullshit ass excuse." She huffed.

"Honestly." He shrugged. "I sit in a cage all day and watch you live your life. I want to feel the excitement of killing too, you know?"

"There's nothing exciting about that! Especially when it's innocent people-"

"No one's innocent, Ayame." He interrupted in a dry tone. "You're too naive."

She glared up at him for a moment before waving in farewell.

"Until next time, dude." She shrugged before disappearing.

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