Chapter 34

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Sayakah sighed, watching Ayame walk off again.

"Come on, kid." Jiraiya patted her back as they turned. "You know, you remind me of Ayame. A lot."

"I get that a lot." She replied softly, glancing back to see Ryuu walking into the village. She turned, Jiraiya glancing back in confusion although once he saw Ryuu, he smiled faintly.

"See you around." He threw a hand of dismissal up before walking away. Sayakah turned, Ryuu slowly approaching her. He had grown his hair long and unlike Akiko, who had dreadlocks in her hair, Ryuu kept his wavy hair up in a bun. He had a sleeveless shirt on with his Leaf headband around his forehead. He had typical jonin pants and the dragon scale-freckles on his shoulders and neck. He didn't have any on his cheeks like Akiko.

"Hey." He greeted pleasantly, Sayakah meeting him with a hug.

"How was the mission?"

"It was...alright." He replied. Sayakah looked over at him, furrowing her brow in confusion.

"Are you alright?" She asked, Ryuu's eyes opening.

"Yeah." He gave a goofy grin, rubbing the back of his head. "Just happy to be back. I think I'll go check on Noah first."

"I heard he's enrolled in the academy now." She smiled as Ryuu nodded proudly.

"He's got my mother's will just like the rest of us. He's learning quickly too."

"So he's got the fire dragon?"

"Blue fire." He corrected, Sayakah nodding. "Blue flames are hotter."

"Oh yeah!" She snapped, following him up the staircase to Crystal's home. He knocked, a few seconds passing before she opened the door.

"Hey Ryuu!" She smiled, embracing him. She kissed his head, Ryuu squirming.


"Shut up and take my love!" She snapped, Sayakah snickering behind him. This drew Crystal's attention to Sayakah as she raised an eyebrow.

"You thought you'd slide past me without a hug?"

She engulfed Sayakah in a hug, Ryuu rubbing his head.

"Now that Noah's in the academy, there isn't anyone really around." He explained, Sayakah getting a big wet kiss on her cheek.

"I'm happy to see Ryuu's getting more classy with the girls he hangs around." She snarked, glaring at Ryuu.


"Don't ma me! I'm tired of you bringing home thirsty girls with no future!" She snapped. "I like Sayakah, a lot."

"Ryuu and i are-" Sayakah stopped when she caught Crystal's gaze.

"Alright, Sayakah we should get going." Ryuu huffed and turned. As he walked away and Sayakah turned to follow, Crystal caught her hand.

"Sayakah." She whispered, looking up. "Please watch over my son."

Sayakah nodded and smiled, Crystal releasing her hand. She jogged after Ryuu, bumping shoulders with him light-heartedly.

"She can be so annoying sometimes." He huffed.

"That's her job, she's your mother." Sayakah smiled.

"Hey Ryuu!" A group of Kunoichi echoed as they walked past him. Sayakah hummed, looking away.

"Jealous?" He teased.

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