Chapter 18

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Kakashi ran alongside Guy as they headed for the meeting point.

"I've never seen Ayame so...upset! I thought she was always blunt and...emotionless." Guy hummed.

"Yeah, It's almost...unreal." Kakashi hummed. They stopped, slowing down.

"We're here." Kakashi reported. "Eyes open."

Guy and Kakashi stepped out the forest and into a clearing. About fifty shinobi and ANBU were spread over the land, all glaring forward at the two. Sayakah sat in the front on her knees. An ANBU held her still by her hair with a kunai in one hand.

"Kakashi!" She screamed in fear. "Kakashi, help me!"

"Let her go!" Guy yelled.

"Where's the Uchiha?" A man snapped. Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Our business isn't with you, Kakashi. Nor Might Guy. We want Ayame."

"You can't have her." Guy snapped. "She's returned to the Leaf and she's staying. She's a shinobi now, our shinobi and our friend. Hand over Sayakah."

"Not Until Ayame Uchiha retrieves her. And if she doesn't." He drew a line on his neck, Sayakah gritting her teeth.

"You'll be dead if you lay a hand on her." Kakashi warned.

He lifted his headband to reveal his left eye, his sharingan locking on the sand shinobi.

One ran for him, leaping up. They shot out a wind jutsu, Kakashi's mud wall rising to block the attack. Guy pinned against the wall, leaning back as a leg flew out for his face. He grabbed the foot and twisted it, Kakashi elbowing the unbalanced shinobi to the ground. He ran forward with his chidori, slicing through multiple shinobi while Guy used his Taijutsu to fight.

Guy flipped back, landing on beside a shinobi. He elbowed his neck and pushed him away, kicking a group of men.

He used a taijutsu kick that threw back the circled men, landing beside Kakashi.

The ground suddenly shook below them and hands reached out and gripped onto their ankles. Kakashi looked up to receive rapid blows to his chest and torso. Guy received the same amount of blows, the hands releasing them so they flew back. They slammed into numerous walls and attempted to move but a wind jutsu held them to the ground.

"Three hostages, Ayame Uchiha will be on her way immediately." They we're binded down. "If she does not arrive tonight, your lives will be taken." He held Kakashi and Guy by their hair beside Sayakah, kunais placed to their necks.

"Don't worry." Kakashi spoke to Sayakah, closing his eyes. "Your sister won't be oblivious and come for us. She'll alert the Hokage."

The man's grip tightened on Kakashi's hair.

"Shut up." He roared, Kakashi turning his head. His sharingan locked on him and the man froze, Kakashi sweeping his feet from under him. He smacked Guy's captor away, the pair leaping back.

"If you leave, we kill her." the man warned.

Kakashi's chakra was nearly gone from the use of his sharingan and overuse of his jutsus. Guy was tired as well, but having more energy than Kakashi at the time, he ran forward.  He entered combat with three shinobi, a man landing a blow on Guy's Head.

Guy leapt back as green has seeped into his skin and began to drain his chakra, overtaking his arm.

"You failures!" The man yelled, yanking Sayakah back. "I can't believe you two really believed you'd make it out of here alive." He laughed, shaking his head. "Bind them."

Shinobi approached the pair, Kakashi glaring up at them with an eye closed. As the shinobi reached out for him, a cloud erupted from his back.

Ayame caught the man's hand, squatting infront of the pair.

"Need some help?" She glanced over her shoulder. Kakashi's eyes widened, Guy expecting her to be mad until she cracked a smile.

"You two take a break." She turned back to the man who's hand she held. "I'll handle the rest." Her sharingan locked on him and he gasped, yanking his arm back.

She stood, approaching him as a Cheshire Cat floated beside her. It smiled devilishly, spinning infront of her. As it approached the man's face, it turned sharply and slammed the hard tail into his neck. He flew back, coughing up blood shakingly.

Ayame smirked at the success of her genjutsu as she ran forward, slamming a kunai into the frozen man's neck.

Ayame ran forward, stopping a few meters before the group. "Arms of Hell Jutsu!" The arms sprouted out, Ayame clasping her hands together as she strained.

Most dodged but as the hands caught people's legs, she smirked. Ayame pulled a kunai out, placing a shadow clone in the kunai's shadow. As the man knocked away the first one, the second kunai pierced his waist. He gasped and looked down, looking up as Ayame twisted and kicked him. The arms held him from falling back as she used his shoulders as a booster.

She landed behind him, throwing kunai in every direction. They were larger than average and a thin wire was connected to them.

The large kunais were easily dodged except for two which hit the shinobi held by the arms of Hell. Ayame pulled the string, the kunais separating. The pieces sliced into shinobi, one hitting the man who was holding Sayakah's shoulder.

He fell back, Ayame running forward. She yanked a katana from the ground, slicing incoming shinobi's vest. She dodged a kunai that slammed into one's chest and she turned, casting her genjutsu on the thrower.

She turned, panting heavily as she walked to Sayakah. There was a blur and Ayame stopped.

The man who's shoulder was heavily bleeding had placed the kunai to Sayakah's neck.

"I'll kill her." He warned. Ayame narrowed her eyes, glancing back to Kakashi and Guy. They were still panting, low on chakra.

Ayame turned back, lifting her sword towards him.

"Let her go." She was almost begging him. For the first time, it was noticeable how tired she was and Kakashi noticed how much of her energy had been taken. She glared up at the man as he narrowed his eyes.

"No." His arm moved swift against Sayakah's neck but he was stopped after an inch cut. Ayame had teleported infront of her, the kunai slicing her shoulder. The katana has pierced through the man who coughed up blood behind Sayakah, Ayame standing over her.

She tilted the blade down and he slid off, Ayame staggering for a moment.

Sayakah leapt into her arms, nuzzling into her chest. Ayame looked back at Guy and Kakashi, slowly approaching the pair. Guy looked up first as she fell to her knees. Sayakah let her go as she reached out, drawing them into a hug.

"You two risked your lives and defied the Hokage to help me." She breathed, running her hands over their hair. "Thank you."

Guy smirked as Kakashi looked up, Sayakah weaving her way into the hug as well.

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