Chapter 24

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Ayame was too late. She heard of the attack on the Leaf village and traveled as fast as she could. Less than midway through her run, she froze and formed hand signs.

Ayame teleported to the front of the village, panting softly as she leaned against the wall.

Ayame brought her thumb to her lip, biting it.

"Summoning Jutsu." Her hand slammed the ground as Daimu and Sosuke appeared. She stood on Daimu's head, the large bow and arrow stripped around her shoulders. Daimu took a step forward and gave a roar. She crossed her arms and stared at the village. The destruction was massive.

"Daimu." Ayame slid down his mane and onto a tree branch. "You stay here and protect the entrance. Don't let any more shinobi get in, got it?"

"Got it." He growled as Ayame shot off. The rooftops concealed her as she leapt down and looked through the empty streets. Footsteps caught her attention and she quickly looked down an ally way. Sure enough, a group of five ninja stood cautiously. Sound ninja by the looks.

"I've been waitin' to try this thing." She whispered and tore off her bow.

Ayame stepped out, approaching them slowly.

"Oh look, a little lost child." The one in the front mused as she stared at them blankly. His laugh was silenced when he caught her unimpressed gaze and he scoffed.

"Are you done yet?" Ayame cocked her head as he narrowed his eyes. The shinobi ran forward as she dodged a lethal punch and turned, elbowing his shoulder down.

"Blinding sun jutsu!" She shot back as her hands formed a triangle which shot out a beam of light. Ayame focused it on the shinobi as he shot back beside his comrades.

"Let's get this done quick, I've got somewhere to be." Ayame opened her arms. "Come on guys, hit me with your best shot."

A man in the back ran forward, but her hand reached out and grabbed his fist, turning her feet to grab his upper arm as well and flip him over. He landed on his back with a successful crack and she leaned back, dodging a kunai that shot through the gap in her breast, slitting it.

"You ruined my favorite shirt." Ayame mused dryly, glancing down at the slit. "Maybe I can return the favor by slitting your throats."

"Hands of Hell!" Ayame formed her hands, hands sprouting out of the ground to wrap around their legs. The remaining men gasped as she walked forward, staring at them.

"I won't just kill you simply." Ayame mused. She placed a paper bomb around each of their necks, smirking devilishly before a serious expression took over. "Don't you ever mess with the hidden leaf again."

"I hope you surive, just to suffer without a voice." She flicked the last one's forehead before stepping back.

"Fire concealing jutsu!" Her hands slammed on the ground as a ring of Fire enclosed around the men.

Ayame turned, walking off. "Too bad you weren't much of a challenge. I didn't even get to try out my bow." She waved them off as she started to run again. Ayame may have left the village for a few months but there was something she'd never forgotten. Ayame shot up the stairs to the Hokage's faces and to the small shacks. Sayakah had to be there.

She opened the door slowly and closed it, looking around through the darkness.

A faint light was given off farther down the hall as Ayame continued.

Uchiha Avenger जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें