Chapter 22

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After weeks of building, the night of the parade had arrived. The streets were crowded as people lined up, eager to watch the parade. Sayakah stood beside Crystal, holding Noah up so he could see.

"Ryuu's going to be starting off the parade." Crystal smiled.

"Really? I haven't seen him in so old is he now?" Sayakah looked up.

"Fourteen." Crystal smiled. "He's a jonin so He isn't around as often, but for the past three years he's always started off the parade with a song. It's like a ritual now."

"He can sing?"

"Pretty well actually." She smiled. Sayakah was dressed in a long black skirt with a black crop top. She had gold accents along the dress with flower patterns drawn on her. Her hair had been braided up into a bun by Akiko and she had her makeup done.

A hush fell over the crowd as a faint beat hit the air.

"I'm in trouble I'm an addict ,I'm addicted to this girl." She looked up, spotting him walking with an escort of tiny dragons beside him. One carried a small guitar which was being strummed.

"She's got my heart tied in a knot, And my stomach in a whirl. But even worse I can't stop calling her; She's all I want and more." Sayakah's eyes widened.

"I mean damn, what's not to adore." Ryuu smirked in the direction of multiple young girls who squealed.

"I've been playing to much guitar" his foot slammed on the ground, making ice shoot out underneath everyone's feet.

"I've been listening to jazz! I called so many times, I swear she's going mad! And that cellular-er will be the death of us. I swear, I swear.

And oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.

Oooh oooh oooh." He turned to look at Crystal, freezing once he locked gazes with Sayakah.

"I'm running my mouth just like I got her." He smiled.

"But I surely don't.

Because she's so-o-o-o-o-o-o- Rock and roll!"

The dragons spewed out flames as Ryuu skated forward. He took Sayakah's hand.

"And out of my league.  Is she out of my league? Let's hope not." He smiled up at her, pulling her out onto the ice.

"Ryuu!" She fretted on the ice as he pulled her on, the dragon's clapping their tails together to continue the beat.

"I'm in trouble, I'm so cliche. See that word just wares me out, makes me feel like just another boy!" He spun her around, Sayakah clinging onto him once they slowed.

"To laugh and joke about, But even worse I can't stop calling her, I love to hear that voice. And honestly, I'm left with no choice." He helped her up, laughing softly.

"I've been playing to much guitar, I've been listening to jazz! I called so many times, I swear she's going mad! And that cellular-er will be the death of us. I swear, I swear!"

"And oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, Oooh oooh oooh." He sung, walking forward with Sayakah who was managing to walk beside him. He wrapped his arm around her, slowly skating forward.

"I'm running my mouth just like I got her.But I surely don't Because she's so-o-o-o-o-o-o-" he shot his hand up, his scales glistening as ice statues shot out of flowers. "Rock and roll! And out of my league...Is she out of my league?"

Sayakah smiled down as the parade commenced.

"Let's hope not." He looked down at her, Sayakah smiling up at him.

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