Chapter 6

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Ayame didn't wake the next morning for the academy and like a storm, her father barged into her room.

"Ayame!" He thundered, the girl groaning into her pillow.

"What, what?!" She rasped.

"What are you doing?! Why have you not left for the academy, it's nearly noon!"

"I'm not going." She grumbled.


"I am not going!" She yelled,sitting up. "Three times! Three times and I can't pass a stupid exam! I'm not spending my life there. Everyone's given up on me except for myself! You depend on the academy to teach me, but damnit I don't see you trying!"

Her mother had walked to the door, listening to their conversation.

"If you were really trying, maybe you would be a Genin now. Maybe you'd be like Obito or Itachi." Yasmin spoke.

"I'm trying!" She protested against her mother who merely shook her head in disapproval.

"You clearly aren't trying enough! You've completely given up on your future, Ayame what is wrong with you?!" Manzo's frustration was shown in his voice as he looked down at Ayame.

"Why do I have to be like you and dad? Maybe I don't want to be a shinobi."

"You've spent your whole life dreaming of becoming one, what's with the change of heart?" Her mother yelled.

"Change of heart?! I don't want to grow up and become a shinobi, it's that simple? If all shinobi are like you two then I rather die! No hope in me-! I quit!"

"You need to watch what you're saying Ayame. Us Uchiha are already under pressure and we don't have time to deal with you!" Manzo snapped back as she got out of bed.

"I never want to be like you or mom." She pushed past him, her father staring at her in disbelief.

"Ayame!" He reached out for her arm but she turned, her sharingan locking on him to smack it away.

She stepped out of her house, balling her fist and approaching the village. On the way, she spotted Obito. He was a nervous wreck around a kunoichi named Rin, spazzing and talking excitedly about their mission. Like a shadow, Ayame brushed past the group. Obito stared after her, jogging to greet her.

"Hey, Ayame-"

She turned, meeting him with an icy glare. He was taken aback, stopping mid-step.


"Don't talk to me." She spat through gritted teeth. She turned before he could speak, crossing her arms and walking off. Obito stared after her, guiltily.

She approached the academy, stepping in. The school was on their lunch break and at her arrival, eyes shot up.

"Ayame!" Akiko beamed and walked forward. Akiko has grown as well, her loose curly hair in two low braids. She had her usual long shirt but instead had grey leggings on rather than her usual sweatpants. Ayame faked a smile, stepping towards her sensei.

"Hey, Shorty." He crossed his arms and leaned to the side.

"The name is Ayame." She retorted. "I've come only to tell you that I'm leaving."

"Leaving?" Kotetsu's voice scoffed. "What an idiot."

"You dumbass!" She thundered and slammed her forearm into his neck, pinning him against a tree. "You think you're so much better than everyone but I'm tempted to really kick your ass! I'm strong, no matter what you think. I'm going to become stronger than ever, just you wait!"

"Ayame let him go." Her sensei warned. She turned sharply, narrowing her eyes.

Kotetsu took the opportunity to smash his hand into her face and push her away. She attempted to slam a fist into his head although he barely dodged and the wood of the tree splattered.

"Hey!" Her sensei yelled, realizing she wasn't playing around. He tried to contain her in a jutsu but she countered it and charged for Kotetsu. Her sharingan had him pin-pointed and understanding she couldn't use jutsus, she leapt forward. They rolled on the ground until Ayame eventually pinned him. She drew her fist back, a red chakra suddenly surrounding her. Her teeth increased in size and her eyes pierced through him with pure hatred.

Kotetsu's eyes widened in fear as the fist was brought down.

"Ayame, no!" Akiko screamed. Kotetsu's face remained untouched as his eyes opened. Ayame had been retracted into the mouth of a large toad, confined by it's mouth.

"Sorry about her." Jiraiya apologized as he leapt down from the toad. "She won't be here again any time soon, trust me. You alright, Kotetsu?" He turned bitterly.

"Yeah, just keep that...freak away from me." He stood.

"Alright." Jiraiya held his tongue and turned. He leapt upon the frog as it bounced away to their compound. He eagerly spat Ayame onto the ground, the girl leaping up and shaking off the spit.

"What the hell?!"

"You were going to kill him." Jiraiya crossed his arms. "If I hadn't stopped you, you would be in some serious shit right now."

"He would have deserved it." She grumbled. "This is your summoning? The one who nearly swallowed me?"

"I wasn't going to swallow you!" The frog snapped.

"Gamabunta, meet Ayame. She's training under the feline sages."

"No kidding. Judging off that chakra-ah!" Jiraiya stepped on his leg.

"Oops." He forced himself off the frog, Ayame narrowing her eyes.

"I'm leaving at dawn tomorrow morning." She reported. "And I'm not even on good terms anymore with my parents. Or Itachi. Or Obito."

"And why is that?"

"Because I quit, Jiraiya. I quit on everyone. No one wants to help me except for you. That tiger dude didn't even want to!"

"You spoke to Chuichi?" Jiraiya gaped.

"Yeah, and some cougar and leapord-"

"Sosuke and Daimu." Jiraiya informed her. Ayame shrugged.

"And Koto and some jerk named Maiya." She scratched the back of her head. "Hey, who's Auriel?"

Jiraiya's eyes widened nervously.

"They haven't told you yet?"

"They did."

"How much?" Jiraiya persistes. She scrunched her face in confusion, narrowing her eyes.

"He was their leader...that was it." She admitted. Jiraiya sighed and shook his head.

"You'll be gone for a while." Jiraiya continued. "They'll take care of you there. Their training will be hard, so be ready for whatever. I have faith that they will teach you well."

"I hope." She turned. Ayame hesitated before facing Jiraiya and leaping up to cling onto him in a hug.

"Thank you for everything, Old Man." She mumbled into his chest.

"Fix things with your parents Ayame." He let her down. "Before it's too late."

"Alright." She nodded and turned, jogging off.

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