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This chapter of the story is inspired by 'Daniel's Past' by undercover_shiper (@snowfire5)

"I'll be home by 5:30 ok Mom?" I shouted going out the door. "Ok honey! Remember to text me when you get there!"

"Ok!" Today is the day that I go to the store, World of Beads, to meet with my elementary school friends. It only has been a year since we've seen each other, but I just wanted all of girls to do something together. And since it's a 10 minute drive, I decided to walk, plus no one could take me there... Anyways, as I was walking and listening to music, I had a feeling that someone was watching me. Immediately I stopped and looked behind me to see no one. Hmm... that's weird... must be my imagination... I started to walk and listen to my music until I felt a pair of hands on me, one on my mouth. I tried to scream and fight the person off, but he put a rag on my mouth, making me feel more sleepy the minute. "Aww how cute, she's trying to fight," I heard the stranger say before I felt asleep. "This girl is so cute and tiny!" I am NOT cute and tiny! I thought as I fell into a deep sleep.

As I slowly woke up, I heard voices around me saying, "Dude, are you sure you used enough chloroform for this girl?"

"Of course I did, besides, look at her! If she was 13, I wouldn't be surprised!" Dude, I can't look THAT young!

"Ok... If you say so... hey are we there yet?!" I then heard another voice shouting, "Be patience, we're almost there! We just need gas!" Aha! Here's my chance! So I pretended to be asleep, until I heard the car stop. This is probably the only chance I got... Finally I heard the guy open up the door, and immediately I got up, and ran. I never turned back, hearing the shouts from them, hoping that they wouldn't catch me. Unfortunately, one of them tackled me, and I was in their arms, struggling to get free. "You're definitely the feisty one, now are you?" I heard one of them say. "Just give me the rag and chloroform dude!" the guy holding me back said. I struggled even more as I felt a rag around me, and I tried not to breathe into it. "C'mon little girl," another said. "You have to breathe sometime." And unfortunately, he was right, and I took a deep breath of it, and fell even more of a deep sleep. Well that failed completely, I thought going back to a deep sleep.

"Seriously Daniel, do you really think this girl will help us?"

"She has potential Jonah! I think she will do."

"Guys, I think she's waking up!" I slowly opened my eyes to see 5 guys in front of me. As I finally woke up, I tried to say something, but I had a gag in my mouth, and I was tied up into a chair, making it hard to move. "Aww!" I saw a brunette boy said. "She's trying to get out! She's definitely a fighter!"

"Which is why she's perfect for the job Zach!" another brunette boy said. "I don't know about this guys..." a blond said. "I mean, if we fail this mission, we'll be putting our lives at risk." My eyebrow raised as I thought, At risk huh? I wonder why they need me...

"Ok, we have told this girl a little too much into why she's here," a curly-haired boy said. Then he looked at me and say, "Look, I'm going to take off the gag, but if you scream, Jonah over here is going to kill you." I looked over at the older brunette, already getting his gun ready. I nodded my head, so the boy slowly took of the gag, and I breathed normally again. "Oh good, you're a listener!" another boy said. "My name is Zach, it's nice to meet you!" All I did was smile a little as I looked at the other boys for introductions. Zach nudged his shoulder at the blond one as he sighs and says, "Corbyn. The name's Corbyn."

"Daniel," the brunette replied, then the curly-haired boy said, "Jack, and I'm guessing you know by now that the man over there is Jonah." All I did was nod as I observed all of them and their different features. Jonah has dark brown hair and his eyes were blueish green eyes. He was wearing all black, and I looked to see his pale skin and some of his tattoos. I then looked at Daniel who also had brown hair and pale skin, but his eyes were bright blue, and he was also wearing black. Actually now I'm looking at them more, all of them are wearing black, which is a little weird. Anyways, Zach was also a brunette and has brown eyes, but I think he has the most pale skin I've ever seen. Jack's hair was a different story, and let me just say, it definitely reminds me of ramen noodles. His eyes were dark brown and he had the same exactly skin color as Jonah. Corbyn was the last person I observed and if you ask me, I think he's a fake blond. I mean don't get me wrong, I actually like him blond, but no one is fooling anyone. He also had blue eyes and very pale skin, but not as pale as Zach's if you ask me. "Hey! Hey you! Are you done staring at us?" Jack asked. I looked up and just nod. "You know you can talk right?" Zach said. I raised my eyebrow and slowly said, "Yes, yes I can..."

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