34 Time for a Change (Finale)

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

It was a day after I met up with Koro-sensei, or at least.. when I saw him. I knock was heard from the door... and guess who showed up for a change?

"Well, long time no see, Asano... Karma..." I greeted with my hand on my hips.

"Good Afternoon, (Y/n)." They replied. "So.. what brings you weirdos to my fine private lounging?" I asked non-chalantly.

They looked at each other then nodded. "Look, we heard you were accepted at (College 1) and (College 2(XD))." Karma said.

"One school is here, one school is in (*pick country*)." Asano said. "H9w'd you bozos know? Stalking me are you?" I asked.

"No, we have sources t'is all." Karma replied with a shrug. "So?" I asked "Get to the point." I demanded.

"We heard you wete choosing, and we wanted to make it easier for you." Asano replied.

I chuckled "How?". "Karma's going to the school in this town, I'm going in the school in that country." Asano said.

"I don't believe it. My choices influenced you?" I asked. "No. It just so happened that university is near Kunugigaoka, near enough for me to go to." Karma replied.

"And father made me go to that school. Honestly, I never knew you'd want to go to a school for the smart ones." He stated confidently.

I gave him a disgusted look. "Dude, I was only send to E class because I almost killed a gang, okay? I didn't lose my brain." I replied and he scoffed.

"Well, what's it going to be?" Karma asked. I whined "You said it'll make it easier, it got way harder, thanks." I replied.

"Well, just take your time, I guess." Asano replied before leaving with Karma.

I widened my eyes "So wait, that's it? You say that and leave?" I shoutsd at them.

"What do you expect us to do? Kiss you and hope you fall for us?" Asano asked.

"DIDN'T THAT ALREADY HAPPEN, THO?" A person from somewhere exclained.

"Okay, who keeps replying in these situations?!" I exclained, and they were dead silent.

"Well, see you, I guess.." Katma said before leaving wih Asano.

Guys, so for the ending, pick Asano or Karma, the highest votes wins for the finale!!!

lmao jks im not that cruel. Stay tuned for The Asano and Karma endings! Oh, and a special ending for all ya'll people who don't get triggered easily. Ciao!

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