"You can do this," she whispers to herself.

Just as she is about to step out from behind the building a woman's voice stops her. She quickly darts behind the wall again and peers her head around the corner. A brunette woman, she's small. She's very beautiful Ali thinks to herself as she watches the woman talking with Jack. She strains to hear what they are saying, she can make out the odd word.

"You're in love with me," the woman, who she can only assume is Erica, says.

Jack rubs the back of his head- something he does when he's nervous- he rocks on the back of his heels and starts to speak back to her. Ali leans forward, straining to hear his words.

"Yes," he sighs "I can't love Ali,"

"Baby," Erica says stepping closer to Jack and taking hold of both of his arms.

Jack touches a hand to her cheek and says something that Ali cannot make out then she hears "I will love and care for you because..." he starts to mumble as he leans closer to Erica.

Ali leans back and breathes hard as she rests her back against the building. She peers around the corner again and see's Jack place a gentle hand over Erica's stomach, he laughs lightly. Ali's eyes go wide and her heart sinks. She's pregnant too. She wants to look away but she can't stop herself.

She can hear his voice but she can't make out the words. It's all a mumble to her as the world shrinks around her. Her head is spinning and suddenly she feels like a little girl again, lost. Ali pulls back and steadies herself with a hand against the building. She back steps before turning on her heels and hurrying back in the direction she had just came from. 

When she finally reaches the waiting car she can barely remember getting there. She slides into the back and taps the seat of the driver. He eyes her concerned in the rear view mirror but says nothing as he starts the short drive back to the city. As the car pulls off down the road, Ali see's Jack emerge onto the square, his hands are buried in his pockets and he's alone. A soldier claps him on the back and he laughs at something he says. He doesn't see her before the car leaves the base.

Back in London Ali runs up the steps of the town house, she pushes open the door before Mrs Moore can open it for her. She hurries into the living room without removing her hat or coat. James stands immediately when he see's her. Ali runs to him and he embraces her, holding her close to him. She cries into his shoulder, fat tears that keep coming no matter how hard she tries to stop. James rubs her back and whispers into her ear.

"Sweet Ali, what happened?" He holds her at arms length, leaning down to look into her sad green eyes.

"She's pregnant too," she sobs and James' face falls with understanding. He pulls her back towards him and she cries into his shoulder.

"I couldn't tell him James, I couldn't," her words are thick with sadness and mumbled against his blazer.

"It's okay," he soothes rubbing her shoulders.

Ali sobs and her shoulders shudder "I'm a ruined woman," she mutters.

There's a pause for a few moments until James speaks again. "Ali?"

She lifts her head to look at him, her sea green eyes are glossy with tears. 

"What if you married me?" He says looking into her eyes.

She scrunches her brow and steps back from him "Why would you marry me out of pity?" She turns away from him but he reaches out and takes her hand in his.

"It's not pity," he says softly "Ali I have been in love with you from the moment you got into my car. Only a fool would be blind enough not to see it,"

Ali smiles through her tears as she looks up at him "I'm a fool,"

James nods "Yes, but a lovable one," He takes both of her hands in his then as she faces him properly.

"The baby?" Ali states.

James shakes his head "I don't care. I love you and I promise you I'll love your child as my own. They'll want for nothing," 

James drops down onto one knee and from his inside blazer pocket he takes out a small velvet box. Ali gasps and covers her mouth in shock. She wipes the wetness from her cheeks as she stares at him.

James chuckles lightly "I've been carrying this with me since you arrived in London," he confesses "I thought I'd have more time to make it more special, but now is a good a time as any," he smiles as he opens the box.

The large square shaped diamond is set on a dainty light gold band. Either side of the diamond are two smaller square shaped emeralds. It's beautiful and Ali gasps.

"I know it's not how you pictured your life, but if you'll have me, I'd like to be a part of it as your husband. I will love you every day of my life Ali, I promise you this,"

Ali stares at the ring and then James. Her eyes wide in shock.

"Will you marry me Ali?" James says smiling as he looks up at the woman in front of him.

Ali sinks to the floor with him and cups her hands around his face. For a long moment Ali searches his eyes, she had never expected this.

"Yes," she says breathlessly "A thousand times," she nods smiling.

James grins. He takes the ring from the box and gently slides it onto Ali's finger. He holds both of her hands in his and the two of them stand. He looks adoringly into her eyes and in that moment all was perfect. He leans down and plants a delicate kiss on her lips. A small gasp escapes Ali but she parts her lips and reaches up onto her tip toes to bring herself closer to him.

James leans back and smiles at her before wrapping his arm around her back and reconnecting their lips.

A/N: Poor Ali...Jack just keeps disappointing her. What are people's thought on James, I'm curious? Thank you again for the lovely comments, reads and vote ups...you guys are amazing!!! :D   R.

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