Jack III

726 17 3

The water was all around him. He panicked and struggled as the billowing parachute choked his movements in the water. He fought with clumsy fingers to unhook the buckle from his chest.
The sound of a plane engine roaring overhead startled him and he gathered the fabric of the 'chute together to try and see the 109 circling above. The plane dipped low towards him at full speed. Jack's eyes widened in horror and in haste he tugged angrily at the 'chute buckle on his chest.

"Come on, come on, come on!" he willed. His damp clammy hair sticking to his forehead.

At that moment the buckle released and Jack dived deep beneath the water, just as the 109 unleashed a torrent of heavy gunfire. The bullets whipped and sliced through the water, one nicking Jack's left arm as he held his breath and swam down deeper.

The weight of the water a few meters above him was heavy and slowing and the light from the world above him grew darker.

His chest started to tighten. He needed to breathe. Red watery ribbons of blood floated up from his wounded arm and he reached out a slow finger to caress the blood trail in the water. His finger broke the current and the blood dispursed into a cloud around him, floating, floating up towards the surface.

He kicked his legs and used his good arm to pull himself to the surface. The burning in his chest spurring him on. The light became brighter and the water less heavy; finally he burst through the surface inhaling a deep and laboured breath.

Panting he lay back and floated. His wounded arm cradled across his chest, the other outstretched beside him keeping him afloat. His eyes nervously scanned the sky. The 109 had moved on.

Relief momentarily washed over him as he continued to float and think.

What was he supposed to do now? He was alone in the middle of the Channel, with a shot up arm and no life vest.

He squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled deeply through his nose, his nostrils flaring.

"Fuck this,"

Jack's eyes flickered open, the room was pitch black apart from a sliver of moonlight creeping in through the curtains. He blinked clearing his eyes as he tried to adjust to the darkness. His threw the blanket back and revelled in the rush of cold air he felt. His back was slick with sweat and his hair was damp and clammy against his forehead.

A momentary panic washed over him as he forgot where he was.

It was just a dream.

A dream that had felt so real and one that he relived over and over again.

He sat up and spun his legs out to the side so they were resting on the floor. His elbows rested on his knees and he leant forwards to take a few deep breaths, calming himself.

He was downstairs in Ali's cottage. Her mother had offered him the sofa and it was strangely comforting for him to be back here again. His large frame ached from the narrow confinements of the sofa but Jack was grateful and even though nothing could stop the nightmares, he felt a sense of peace knowing Ali was in the room above him.

After a few minutes he lay back down on the sofa and pulled the blanket to his waist. He stared up at the ceiling until his eyes became heavy and sleep consumed him once again.

This time he dreamt of Ali. He dreamt about their kiss and how her perfect lips felt against his. He dreamt of running his fingers through her long hair and gripping her softly by the waist. He also dreamed of Erica and of James; he dreamt of their faces as they watched, unable to move their feet or turn their heads away. He saw Erica's tears and James's face fall as he lifted a hand to cover his mouth. Jacks heart lurched. As he embraced Ali and pulled her against his chest, his head rested on her shoulder. All he could see was them watching him, his eyes met with James and once again Jack felt like he was drowning...

The two of them were walking hand in hand together. It was the final week of August and a gentle warm breeze rustled through the leaves on the trees. Jack's thumb stroked against Ali's hand softly and she smiled sweetly at his touch.

"Did you mean what you said yesterday?" Jack broke the silence.

"About what exactly?" Ali replied as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Loving me," He had his eyes fixed dead ahead on the road, he couldn't bear to look at her.

She stopped then and gripped his elbow, spinning him to face her. "Of course I meant it," she says crestfallen "Why would you doubt me?"

Jack rubs the back of his neck, a familiar nervous trait that Ali knew all too well.

"What about your husband?" Jack all but whispers. His head is low but he looks up long enough to see Ali's face fall. Jacks dream from hours earlier haunts him. He pictures James' face and smiles sheepishly at Ali. She releases her grip on his arm and starts to walks off slowly down the road again.

"Walk with me," she instructs "We need to talk,"

Jack jogs after her and Ali loops her arm through his. When she speaks again her voice is flat and serious, Jack regards her expression but he cannot read her.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you..."

A/N: Oooh next chapter Ali reveals all to Jack. How will he react to the news? Happy, sad, angry, hurt? Leave a comment and tell me how you think Jack would respond to everything. As always, thank you! R.

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