Everything in my life had been pretty good, ravish even. Living in the mansion, wearing expensive clothes and swimming in money - until my parents died in a car accident a year ago. I still remember how it was like; a horrible, horrible day and an even worse start of our troubles. We had been in hospital after we first discovered Drew's illness; we were completely drained from stress and worry. I had skipped a week of school and was desperately praying for Drew when the news came. Mom and dad were heading back home to bring us food when it happened. They said I should go and get it but I refused to leave Drew, we were close like that. Now that I think about it, I wish I would've gone.

It took a moment's decision to change everything in life.

Not only mine but Drew's as well. The grief that followed the accident was unimaginable but what followed us after the funeral was worst. First came denial, anger and lots of other feelings that are too hard to describe. When we finally accepted that mom and dad were gone for good, disaster in the form of Uncle Steve fell down on us.

When we went back to our house when Drew got discharged, he threw dad's will on our faces which clearly said he left everything to him. It came as a shocker, the denial in that case lasted longer than their deaths. Uncle Steve didn't waste a minute to throw us out; I begged him to keep Drew against all my ego but I still remember how he laughed at our faces and shut the door of our own house.

But to this day I know there is something really wrong here - whatever the court says - dad will never disown us. Why would he? We always had a healthy family life, we loved each other and Uncle Steve was someone who just appeared out of blue as dad's long lost brother.

Everything was a tangible mess, one I couldn't seem to get out of. As much as I despised Mr. Hans I knew he was right about one thing. I had wasted so much money on the case (a helpless case) and that money could have been used for Drew's operation. Damn it all...Drew's operation...what as I suppose to do now?

I started sweating even though it was too cold and felt something like vomit rising up in my throat, my stomach clenched and suddenly the café was more suffocating than anything. I got up; knocking the cup over the table and everyone stared at me once more. Slamming the dollar bill I practically ran out of the place, my feet feeling like jelly. I was walking too fast when I was outside once more but it didn't do anything to improve my situation. I felt ten times worse.

Feeling cold wind sweeping over me, I stuffed my hand in the pockets of my coat and started walking over home. Then I stopped dead. Facing Drew didn't seem like a good idea right now. What was I suppose to tell him? I spent our savings on my hopes. And those hopes were now lying shattered underneath the feet of Uncle Steve?

No way, I had done injustice with him because I was too keen to get our properties and business back, how could I be so selfish? Regret was all I had left and thinking about Drew was only adding to that burden.

As I walked in the opposite direction, my legs shaky and trembling from snow, my mind a complete whirlwind; a thought kept haunting me. What if something happened to him? I had already lost mom and dad and was still struggling to recover from that, Drew was all I had. My one treasure that I wouldn't allow anyone to steal, not even Uncle Steve.

''Miss are you alright?'' A woman asked me all of the sudden, her wrinkled face appearing in front me. I hadn't realized I had stopped somewhere in a middle of a street until she approached me.

''Yeah...I'm sorry.'' I said hastily and started walking again, not really sure where I wanted to go. Maybe that was my life now; I will be lost, roaming around stray streets of this cruel world until someone would help me wake up from this restless slumber. Yeah right, like everyone is just waiting in line to help a hopeless case like Iris Bradley.

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