He put one sandwich on my plate and the other on his. I grabbed mine and took a bite immediately. But then I started choking badly. He stood up instantly and held out a glass of water for me to take.

“Peanut butter?” I kept choking and his face flashed with terror.

“Yeah….are…are you allergic?” I kept coughing. “God! Hazel! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were allergic!....I…I-“ he started mumbling and rubbing my back when I burst into laughter.

I couldn’t help it anymore!

“Chillax, pretty boy! I’m okay!” I said and kept laughing.

His jaw fell and he stared at me with disbelief. “Hazel!”

“It was funny! Come on! You should have seen your face!” I said as he got back to his chair in a huff.

“What’s the opposite of funny?.....Yeah! NOT FUNNY, HAZEL!”

I burst out into another round of laughter as I saw his agitated face and the big pout gracing his lips.

“Okay…I’m…I’m sorry…Tyler I’m sorry! See?” I held my ears and looked at him innocently.

“Fine! Now shut up and eat!” he said as he shoved my plate towards me with a small smile playing on his face.

After that we talked and talked for what seemed like an hour. But when I ran out of any other interesting stories, I suggested something else. “Okay…so how about we play a game?” I asked and arched my brows.

“Do I get to kiss you?” He smirked and leaned on his elbows as he moved somewhat closer to me.

“Noooo!” I grimaced and moved back a little. He started sniggering and I joined.

“Okay…so what is it?”

“I’ll say a word…any word…and you say the first thing that comes to your mind and I’ll follow…alright?”

“Sounds okay!”

“So I’ll start!...Hmm….Star wars!”

“Star trek.”

“The Big Bang Theory!” I said and giggled.

“BAZINGA!” We both chuckled at that.

The game went on with such random words popping out of our mouths.

“Toe nail?” I laughed out loudly at that one. The first thing that came to his mind on hearing ‘Teletubbies' was toe nail?



I looked at him with dreamy eyes and said dramatically, “Louis, the Tommo Tomlinson!”

He grimaced and said, “Music?”


At that he looked at me and after thinking for a while said, “With me?”

“What?” I smiled and looked at him questioningly.

He stood up and walked closer to me with his hand outstretched and palm up.

I looked at his hand and then up at him. “Don’t you think we’ll probably look crazy while dancing without any music?” I said and chuckled.

“Oh! Well, that can be arranged!” he said and took out his phone from his pocket and started some music. Talk dirty by Jason Derulo blasted from his phone.



I stared at him as I tried to stifle my laughter. “I’m not dancing to this.”

He was rightWhere stories live. Discover now