I did WHAT?!

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My head was throbbing as if someone was playing ping pong with it. I wanted to sleep more. I wasn’t feeling like waking up just yet. But this damn heavy metal band playing in my head was making it impossible for me to go back to dreamland. After changing my sides on the bed in search for a comfortable posture again and again, I gave up, ‘cause I couldn't find one. I sighed and opened my eyes. And the first thing I noticed was a Vampire Diaries poster on the ceiling. Oh right! I had slept over at Ashley’s.

Just then this uncanny felling of being watched started gnawing at me. I immediately looked to my left and found Ashley wiggling her eyebrows up and down with a toothy grin. She had her hand supporting her chin as she leaned on her elbows on the bed while sitting on the floor.

“Morning sunshine!” she sang and that band inside my head found its lead vocalist. Huh…

“Knock it down, pretty face. Let me tell you your voice is not what a person waking up with a terrible hangover would find soothing,” I groaned and turned to burry my face in the pillow. “My head…..” I whimpered.

“Ah, I thought I would help you. I even brought you some Advil and water but seeing someone has lost her manners, I don’t think I should give it you anymore,” she huffed and looked away from me.

My eyes softened immediately. “Hehe. Don’t mind me. You know I love you, right? Please?” I said while shooting the cutest puppy dog face I could form.

“Better,” she beamed and passed the painkiller and water. They were holy you know. Blessed by Jesus Himself to help people like me to recover from such torment i.e. hangover.

After I put the glass down, Ashley’s toothy grin reappeared. I sighed and readied myself to hear about the most outrageous things that I could do. Let’s just say, me and alcohol didn’t go down too well together.

“Where do I start?” she asked and put her index finger on her chin as a sign of being in deep thought.

“From the beginning?” I offered.

“Okay well, for starters you just made a small scene where you thought you were gonna die while standing on the fourth step of a ladder…….”

She went on, describing what all I had done. According to her I had done many things that screamed me but many others like hitting Ryan in the balls when I saw him with Alexia, which weren’t quite like me. She said Alexia was so bent that after yelling at me she left with him and had asked me to not interfere in her life. I guess I’ll deal with that later. Ash even said that I danced to ‘Can’t remember to forget you’ on the kitchen counter mimicking the sexy moves of Shakira and Rihanna.

Hmm….did I actually do all that or was she just messing with me? But as I realized that there was nothing that could be done to undo all that that had happened last night, I sighed and slouched my shoulders as she continued laughing.

“I’m going to freshen up,” I said while getting off the bed.

“Wait!” she shrieked and started giggling. “The best part is yet to come.”

“What is it? Just tell me already,” I said in a bored tone.

“Okay…..” she giggled and continued, “You kissed Tyler.”


 “I did WHAT?!”

Instead of a reply I just got a cheeky grin. “You guys were looking so cute!” she exclaimed.

A sudden wave of embarrassment and guilt started pulsing through my veins.

I wouldn’t!.....I didn’t!.....How could I?

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