17. Big Girls Cry

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Bianca's POV

I decided to call Tommy End and let him know that we can't talk anymore and I'm getting married.

"Hi baby? Everything okay?" Tommy asked. I'm not going to lie whenever Paul and I got into I run to Tommy. I have no idea why. But my last name is about to change, so I need to make sure we're clear.

"I'm getting married next weekend. I wanted you to know before seeing it on the Internet."

"Hmmm... so even though you drunk call me when you're out with Kiera, you're going to marry him?"

I had forgot I had did that a few times. "I'm sorry but I am."

"Bianca, lose my phone number. Don't ever call me again and know that Shit with Hunter isn't going to last. Bye." Tommy hung up on me, but it was good to know he's not going to be a problem ever again.

Paulie and I were laying in bed while Trips was at work. It's been a long week and we're going to Connecticut tonight to be with his girls. If Stephanie says slick shit to me again I'm beating her ass.

Last time she said don't cook the girls fried chicken anymore. I mean those girls ate their food so fast you would have thought they hadn't eaten in days. If she talks crazy to me I'm beating her up straight like that.

My doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone. I went to the door and saw on my security camera it was Trinity. I opened the door.

She was in tears. "I have nowhere I can go. I left Jon forreal this time. I didn't want to go with Shane."

All I could do is hug my sister so tight. "I love you. You can stay as long as you need too."

"And he was sleeping with Charlotte. Also some Instagram hoe messaged me trying to expose him. She's been sleeping with him too." Trinity showed me her photo.

"Ain't that the bitch who took TI from tiny?"

"Exactly!! I just need to get myself together."   Trinity said, laying on the couch. I grabbed her suitcases and put them in our guest bedroom. I went upstairs to get Junior and placed him in his play pen.

"Trinity, are you okay? Have you told Shane?"

She shook her head. "Right now I just need a break from him. I don't want him to know what I got going on right now. I need to distance myself from him."

"He's going to go crazy. I just get that vibe from him. He didn't come to see the show the other week. He came to see you and what you're doing. Seems like he can't stay away from you." I don't know how this is going to turn out for Trinity. I don't think she wants a happy ending with Shane. She's just using him to get out of her marriage.

That's what I was kinda using Tommy for. But I couldn't leave Montez at the time.

"I know its a little much sometimes. I need to break it off with him. I've tried to and somehow I seem to always be with him." Trinity said.

"Listen... get away from all that and come to ECW. Within two years you will be making the same more if not more. I know your contract ends soon. Think about it. Paul works with the wrestlers to clean up their style. We have the rawness of the indies, but it's still super clean with the moves, promos, camera angles."

"I'll think about it." Trinity informed me.

Shane's POV

Trinity was supposed to be coming to see me to tell me what happened the other day at Smackdown. I heard she broke up with her husband, but I want her to tell me.

I scrolled on her twitter to see her last tweets location is in Vegas. She must be with Bianca.

I dialed Hunter.


"Is Trinity at your house? We we're supposed to meet up and she never showed up. I just want to make sure she's safe."

"You've got a lot of nerve calling me about her. Clearly she doesn't want you nor does she wants to be bothered by you. If I was You  I'd take it as a sign."

I knew calling him was the wrong answer. "Motherfucker just tell me yes or no."

"I ain't telling you shit." Hunter hung up on me.

All I want to know if she's okay. If she's done with me I'll be okay. I called Trinity again.

"Hello.. I'm not really in the mood to talk."

"Trinity, are you okay? We we're supposed to have dinner last night and you left me waiting. If I did something wrong I'm sorry."

She was crying on the phone and it absolutely broke my heart. "Baby, where are you? Let me come hold you. I'll console you all night."

"I need to take a leave of absence. I filed for divorce and I don't want to be around Jon right now. I ruined our marriage."

Now, it's not my place to tell her, but Jon has been cheating on her for years. It's pretty much locker room knowledge. I am sure she knows. "No, he did. He doesn't know how to appreciate someone like you."

"I shouldn't have fucked you. I ruined everything. I'm a whore."

"Don't call yourself that and baby he's been cheating on you for awhile. People talk."

"How'd you know that?"

"People talk and notice things. I didn't know how to tell you. Don't be mad."

"I know he's cheating. But I can't do it anymore. I can't keep pretending everything is alright. It's my fault he cheated on me. I should have been a better wife."

I couldn't listen to her talk about herself like this. "Bunny ! Stop! You are a great wife. You're too good for him. Don't degrade yourself like that. Listen I just want to be your friend while you're going this. I'm fine with us ending the sexual part. Just let me be there for you. I owe it to you."

"Right now I do need your friendship."

"I'm coming to Vegas tomorrow. It's not a date. I'm just going to support you. That's all. We will have separate room so you can have space, but hearing you cry is upsetting me Bunny. I need to be with you."

"Thank you.. I'm going to bed now. Thanks again Shane."

"Of course Bunny.."

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