Chapter 14

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Tom's POV
I clinch my fist together. My hands start to sweat. There was something about this place, I didn't like it at all. I was like a hissing cat, that was ready to scratch and bite.
I see tord lunge at the men, his whole body moving in syncs. As soon as he starts moving, the men load their weapons. He kicks the one in the front left jumping up and coming down punching the one in the front right. Tord goes down with the man as they both fall to the ground. The other two men in back come to me, sliding past tord and the man. I grab one by the collar and try to punch him, but before I could the other man grabs my fist turning it to the left, and kicking me in the knee while the other knees me in the stomach.
I cringe my face but straightened back up, as I elbow the guy who twisted my arm while bent down. The guy who kneed me in my stomach elbows me on my back slamming me to the ground. I try to get up but the guys holds me down. They push down so hard, I can barley breathe.
I start gasping for air. My face turns a red color. I want to yell for help but I can't. I start getting a cluster phobia type of sense and start panicking a little bit. I get angry. I'm tired of people holding me down like this. People forcing me to do stuff like this. People telling ME what to do! I'm done!
I start turning a purple color. My fingers grow long and sharp. The men get confused and lose their grip. That's my chance. With my supernatural strength, I throw them off of me.
I get up and go to one of the men. Grabbing them by their throat with my right hand and my left hand grabbing their arm. I pull hard enough until his arm is torn apart from his body. He screams and dies in seconds. I turn my head around, but only my head... at the other man, who is now shitting himself in fear.
I turn my entire body forwards him.

Rip him apart. Piece by piece.

Tomska growls angrily but I can tell he's smiling with excitement. I smile. Not out of joyfulness or out of amusement. I smile because I'm afraid. I'm afraid if I don't do this, they would think I'm a fool, I'm weak, or I have a heart. They would think I'm vulnerable. They would use me, like a stripper.
I reach my claw like hands toward the man. I'm thriving for this. I want to kill this man. My breathing is picking up smoothly.
The man is against the wall. I can tell he wants to move away. He WANTS to run. He WANTS to scream. He WANTS to hit and run. But he can't. Because I almost have him in my grasp. I feel my smooth cotton fabric sweater against my skin, ansi feel free, as if I can fly away at any moment. I can smell the cigarettes in the mans breathe, as if I'm enduring them. My heart is so loud, so deep. I feel like me, the air, and this man are the only thing here. The only thing keeping us apart is the space between us. I'm inches away from this mans throat. He's whimpering in fear. It feels like minutes that this happening, but it's only been seconds. I reach further. My finger tips glide against his skin. Carefully but with intent.


I turn my irises toward the sound. It was the sound of a gun. And Pistol to be exact. It was tord. He had me at gun point. "What are you doing." I growl with fear and anger.
"Don't do it tom. That's how he gets to you." His eyes are furrowed. His voice has force and he's standing his ground. This is telling me that he's done this before, and he's not afraid to do it again.
I keep the same face but turn my head just a bit. To show interest. "What, do you mean...".
He also keeps the same facial features, but his voice cracks. "Thomas. Turn back to normal again. The voice in your head is only trying to turn you, so he'll be in control... full control." His voice, is less thick, less forceful.
The purple on my skin turns a lighter color. But returns to its full color when tomska speaks.

Don't listen to him. He's only trying to prevent you from being better than him!!!

My eyes furrow my eyebrows. My eyes some how get wider. My sharp teeth shows when my jaw opens. I'm furious.
"You think your better than me, huh? That story you told me! Was it a lie?!?! Did you really think you could sweet talk me, then when the time comes, I'LL LOVE YOU SO MUCH! THAT I WONT BE ABLE TO KILL YOU!" I scream it out so loud, I'm afraid that not just the control room heard it.
Tord face goes softer, he lowers the gun just a bit. "You think I was sweet talking you...? I was telling you the truth. All I'm saying now is, let the man go. Killing that man, will only let the voice in your head, get worst."

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