Chapter 12

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Number 77 on the search count 2-7-18 :/ at least I'm not the last one. Actually I'm curious... who is the last one?

I open my eyes half way to a semi lighted room. The room smelt of old sweat and rust. I cringe at the smell but soon get use to it. I was hanging upside down. I could feel the blood rushing to my head, it felt heavy. My jacket was ripped in the same spot as the incident happened. Both of my sleeves were gone. My right arm even bleeding.
I grunt in pain as I feel I have been in this situation before. "Why do I keep getting knocked out..! I'm tired of this shit!"

Because you suck!

"Hey! Nobody asked you....!"

Then who were you asking! Huh!?!?

"Not you! I was talking to myself!"


"Then you just said yourself that you suck. So basically you insulted yourself!"

Oh.... I never thought of it that way...!

"Hmm... enough yelling, I need to save my voice."

For what? For when your moanin-

"Oh my god! I am so glad nobody can hear you but me...!"


"So now you decide to be quiet."


"Did I hurt you feelings!"


"Silent treatment, huh?"


"Alright. Well don't say anything if I can ma-"




"Okay, okay!"

... do you hear that!

"Hear what?"

The other heart beat...

"Maybe it's yours. We ARE two people."

No, no. I don't have a heart beat. I'm dead inside and out.

"Well that explains a lot..."

No seriously. I'm hearing two heart beats. Tom I think there's another person touching you.

"What? There can't be! Wouldn't the person have spoken while I was talking to 'myself'. And if there was, how come you only can feel their heart instead of everyone's heart beat that we encounter!"

I can only feel heart beats with people that touch us....

I look around. Nobody is here... I wiggle and hear the ropes. It felt wet... but thicker than water wet. I also felt like I was sitting in a chair but, only because the big figure like thing wasn't moving. "I mean it feels like I'm sitting in a chair." There was something behind me, but couldn't tell who or what it was. If the demon was saying there's a heart beat, then there's a heart beat.

I don't think that's a chair. And by the way my name isn't the demon.

"Then what is it..?"

My name is subject 583, but I guess you can call me Gargama-


Tom x Tord Demons of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now