Chapter 2

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Present time

Memories and darkness


  I was currently sitting on the couch cleaning my harpoons, with my red rag I got. The red rag I got at the debri of the exploded robot parts. It was part of Tord's jacket. It was covered in blood, and a foul smell, when I found it. At the time it was funny, it showed me saving everyone. Well, almost everyone. John didn't make it. John lived next door, with two other guys named, Eduardo, and Mark. Tord killed him. Anyways, the red rag wasn't amusing anymore. It just brought memories, and guiltiness. I wipe the harpoon, very slow thinking about it. I wipe the harpoon going down the long line and seeing my reflection, following the rag with my eyes. As if I'm wiping something so fragile. My eyes soon linger to my reflection. It was like I was looking into my soul because I could see all the guilt. It came to me at once. Hit me like a slap in the face.

   I look at my reflection for a moment longer, when Matt came to the living room. He went over to the television and turned it on, then over to kitchen to grab a snack, me watching his every move. Then Edd comes to the living room, and sets pillows and blankets on the couch. He pats the covers making sure they look good. Me on the other couch like chair.

  Edd puts his hands on his hips and stares at the palit. He turns to me holding the same position but just different direction. “Do you want to watch the movie with us, tom?” edd says. I turn to the movie to see the play screen of ‘The insane zombie pirates from hell 6’. I turn back to Edd's eyes. “No thanks… I'm not into the insane zombies anymore.” I say looking down at my harpoon in the end. I clinched at the rag, but to where nobody could notice. Edd, looks at the TV then back at me with a halved open eye expression. I realized he wants to have fun and doesn't want someone like me to ruin it. So I take matters into my own hands. “Imma go to my room…” I get up slowly still clutching the rag in my hand. And bend down to grab the two harpoons I left on the couch. I walk to the doorway to the living room and turn around for a moment. “You two have fun.” I say and walk away. I think I just made it weird but whatever, I'm not there. So it can't be awkward for me. I open the door with the hand the rag is in. Walk into my room and turn around to close the door.

  The last thing I see before closing the door into the abyss, is edd. Tilting his head and looking at me with a blank expression. Matt pops his head out from the kitchen with popcorn in his hand. The door closes very slowly. I can see the blackish blue of color around matt’s eye. Memories floods into my mental mind set. My heart drops when thinking about it. The door closes with a click. Leaving me consumed into the darkness. Staring off into the murky room. All I can think about is, Tord.  

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