Chapter 9

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I'm sorry for this if your a really big tomtord fan.... this story is going to have some cringing moments. But someone in this story is gonna get very lustful~
Tom Pov
I stand there blank faced, while Edd stares at me the same way.
"Uhhh, yeah. Can I go inside." I say wanting to leave out of this awkward position. He blinks, like he just got out of thought.
"Hu- I- umm. Yeah... but can I ask you one thing first..." Edd says while rubbing the back of his neck. I stare at first. What did he want to talk about? Then his face turns confused and furrowed at the same time.
"Wait, weren't you in your room. How did you get out here. And why did I hear talking. And WHAT were you doing out here!" Edd says a little to fast for comfort. He looks around. Then steps towards me. He turns around, and closes the door. And turns to face me a little red in the face.
I break the silence "what did you want to talk about...?" I say, with my eyebrow up just a little to make me look even more curious.
He looked even more blushed. "I-i just wanted to say that..." he closes his eyes and makes a serious face but softens it as he looks at me.
"Tom... I've liked you for a really long time. 3 years to be clear. Every time I would look at you, I got this feeling in my stomach that, you were the one. I love the way you hum in the shower.
I love the way you drink when your in trouble.
I love the way you think you know everyone.
I love it when your happy...
I love it when you hug your bear.
Tom, I can't stop myself! I just love everything about you! I master-bate every night thinking about you. My hormones go crazy with excitement when thinking about you. And now that I've got you alone I can finally tell you! Tom, I love you~."
I look at him and blush furiously. He said he master-bated because of me. Looking at Edd and thinking that is... weird. I've only thought of Edd as a friend and nothing else. How could I love him. He was bouncing up a little bit and down like a little kid that has to use the restroom. I back up a tad and look down at the corner of my 'eyes' to the right. I have to tell him I don't love him.
"Edd... I-" but before I finished my sentence. Edd speaks up.
"Wait tom, before you answer I just want you to know what your dealing with." Edd leans in and Kisses me! My eyes are widen. But I don't want one simple kiss to let Edd know that that's my weakness to get me off guard. I close my eyes and melt into the kiss. Are lips move in sink as Edd pushes me against the railing, of the porch. I grab the railing while Edd grabs my arms and runs them down to my hands and presses down.
"Mpfff." Edd moans into the kiss, and my eyebrows furrow showing that I'm trying harder to make the kiss deeper than it already is. His moan was so cute and lustful. That I don't know whether to stop or to keep going. Even if I wanted to stop I couldn't. Edd's hands were on mine. I lean closer, and Edd goes down to my chin and soon down to my neck.
I suck in my stomachs and bite my bottom lip to make all sounds impossible to escape. He starts kissing my neck. I want to stop but it feels so good, That I feel like if I stop I'll die.
"Ha. Faggots. Is this what you've come to. Since you couldn't get any girls. Hmm. Proves I'm better." I hear from behind. Edd stops and looks up, also letting go of my hands, letting me free. I swallow my spit. When Edd starts talking. I look away, but listen to their conversation.
"Edwardo..." Edd says mad. You could practically hear it in his voice.
"Hey Edd, have you been getting any pussy lately, coz I have. Haha... JOHN LAUGH!"
"Shut up john, nobody likes you! Why haven't you realized that? Your parents gave up on you."
"Ohhhh." John says looking down sad as ever. But of course Edd budded in.
"Hey edwardo! Pick in someone your own size. It doesn't matter if I'm gay or not, it's none of your business. It's love. And love is not a crime." Edd says smiling at the end. He really loves me. I look at him and smile, and he smiles too. He went to reach for my face and my smile faded. I step back, but before Edd notice he looks away to see edwardo talking again.
"Faggots! You don't know what love is. Sucks that you went down to men instead of sexy woman. Prrr. But you know what, this proves I'm better. Anyways I've got winner things to do. See you on the other side of the finish line."
And just like that edwardo leaves, Edd glares at him while he does, I step away from Edd and go into the house. I quickly go into my room and when I shut the door I hear matts voice.
"Hey Edd. Why was Tom mad? Or at least he looked mad. No no he looked like more of a scared look than a mad. Hey Edd, am I being the smarts!"
Edd voice was smooth but urgent. "Yes, you are being very smart but where did you see tom go? I need to find him." Edd says I hear footsteps coming my way and I close my door. I grab a suit case and start packing the bag. I hear knocks at the door.
"Tom... may I come in. Outside wasn't exactly the place for that. I'm sorry you had to see that."
I blush at the thought. If edds kiss was that good, AND I don't even like him like that. What do you think tord's kiss will be like....
I kick myself out of thought. "Uh, yeah, you can come in." Edd comes in slowly and shuts the door behind him. He walks to me at a fast rate and grabs my waist and forces me to turn to him. I stare into his eyes to show that I was fearful.
"Tom, i'm sorry. I didn't let you finish your decision. We just got interrupted. I can give you ten minutes to think about it.... would you like that or are you ready to say it now." Edd says cocking his head to the side which made him look adorable.
"I'll have ten minutes to think about it. Meet me here when the clock reaches 8:30pm." I say with a reassuring smile. He nods his head and walks out of the door. I look down for a second and take a deep breathe, then get back to packing my stuff. I start to think.

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