Chapter 7

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Finally updating it's been about.. 10 11 months since my last update on a REAL story. So... no wasting time, believe it or not I have a life! So let's get to it. TBH it took me like 3 days just to publish this because of how busy I am at school. BEING AN 8TH GRADER IS HARD! To just think that my childhood is over. I'll be driving in less than a year. Man... having a job. ... why does life seem so boring growing up. Dang. Lol. I'm saying this while walking to the bus stop. Byezzz!
Tom's POV
I look around. Nothing, of course. I put my hands up in an act to reach for something. ANYTHING. I'm so alone, just like I was when I was little. No hope. I wanted to die... but there was redemption. Edd. He saved me. He brought me with them. He told me there is always a redemption. So there has to be something to get me out of here. I start moving faster. I hit my right hand against something sharp. I heard it hit the ground.
"Ow!" I pulled my hand up to my chest and started to rub the spot I hit. I try to go to the spot I heard it drop but it was useless to the fact that I couldn't see...
I touch it. I grab it. I feel it. It was a... "drill? Huh.. surprised. Knowing tord I wouldn't think he would keep a drill in his mega gun layer. Or... is this a mega gun layer?"
The room lights up suddenly. It started me but not as much as the other 'simulations' aroa gave me. I shredder at the thought. I look around. It wasn't a mega gun layer... it was a modern cave.

Ah. Your here, demons of chaos... or would you like me to call you something else?

"Ummm... you can just call me Tom." Good, she's here. I start looking around while she talks to me.

Opening files. 'Loading...'

I start rubbing my hand against stuff while passing it. Getting dust on my fingers in the process.

Files opened. Ready for initiation.

I look at the screen, and cock my head to the side. What's initiating? A hall lights up before me. I search my surroundings. I start walking towards the hallway. Staring at everything as I go. As I walk down the endless row of lights, more appear. Every step I take. More light.
Then it stops.
I walk closer to the end. Speeding up. Getting excited. I start to smile in the inside. Once I reach the end more lights turn on, but this time forming a circle. And in the circle, is a big black spot. Black is every where.
On the walls.
On the floor.
On the to what looks like a control panel.
I walk up to the spots in the ground. I bend down and gently slide me fingers against the black stuff. I bring my fingers up to my face and lean toward a light to see better. It's... stained smoke. Like something was burning here. I look up. There was a light coming through a circle. Through the circle was a line. Like it could open. I gasp in realization.
"This is where the giant robot was..." I'm under the house. The tools, he built the robot himself. I'm standing were tord once was.
I furrow my eyebrows. "So this is where he was. The entire time. And every night for years I was sleeping right above him. That one time Edd thought he ran away, and he turned up 3 hours later..." I grind my teeth. "...And had the guts to say he was playing hide and seek with Matt." I face palm myself. I knew he was lying. Why didn't I just confront him about it then. Ugh. Don't worry, I'll find him. I'll confront him then...
I look in front in of me. It was the panel I saw earlier. I walk up to it and start wiping it off from all the stained smoke that was on it. I wipe off the bottoms and screen just enough to were I can see.
It was just like a computer. There was 2 files. One said 'dairy' and the other said 'immunizer'.
"Huh. I wouldn't think tord would have a dairy?" I'll read that one last. Save the juicy details. I smile to myself. I click on the file that say 'immunizer'.
In the file we're different files with names then say subject number next to them. I scrolled through them swiftly, just browsing until I get to... my name.
Why would my name be on a file that said immunizer. I open the file up and has a entire paragraph about me. I read it in my head.

Thomas, subject 583
Day 1
I just injected his body with the antiserum last night when he was out cold by all the Smirnoff he drank. Today he was acting a little... off. He didn't feel like eating very much. And If he did he would just take a bite off of Edd's or Matt's plate. He looked a little more tired than usual too. I wonder if was the alcohol, or the antiserum.

I furrow my eyebrows and continued reading.

Day 2
Today he was very energetic. He couldn't stop moving. He was cleaning and even being helpful. He was smiling. Just not at me. When ever I would walk up to him or look at him he would furrow his eyebrows or even growl under his breathe. Nothing has shown physically. Mentally things have changed a lot. The side effects are worsening I fear. Also I think Edd is sniffing something up. He's being very suspicious about me and tom. Matt hasn't found anything out... yet.

As I read this I remember doing some of this stuff. Helping, for once. Smiling. I laugh under my breathe. But my pinch of joy leaves when I remember growling under my breathe at him. I regret doing that. At the time, he was just putting off a vibe my senses didn't like. I furrow my eyebrows again and continue reading.

Day 3
Today, he was talking to himself. He was helping Edd put up a dish, and when he walked away... I followed him. He walked into the kitchen and started talking to himself. Pinching himself. Whisper yelling at himself. I stayed in the shadows, not wanting to enter fear with the subject. I left and the subject followed after me. I don't think he noticed I was there. But the entire day, he looked like he was talking to someone. I think there are voices started to appear in his head. These might be one of the side effects. I hope this isn't continuous.

That's when the voices started to appear. Mocking me, every second of the day. That was 4 day before the robot incident. I continue to read

Day 4
Things are getting physical. His teeth are getting sharper. He was in the bathroom brushing his teeth early in the morning with pj on. His fingernails and toe nails are growing at a fast rate. Edd started putting cameras in the house so it's more dangerous to snoop around for the subject. I'll have to fix that. Matt is noticing Tom's changes. Today he thought Tom was wearing a costume. He was trying to pull out tom sharper teeth wanting to try them on, but they "wouldn't come out!" He said. Tom lied and said he glued them in. I think he's embarrassed about them. He's definitely spending more time in his room. I need to be more careful.

I have nothing to say about spending in my room. But, the being embarrassed thing was true. I hated it. I thought the sharp teeth were natural. I contributed to read the last entry.

Day 5
All the physical things disappeared. I think sleep put it away. His still talking to himself a little bit but not as often. Edd not as suspicious. He took down the cameras after I had 'a little chat' with him. But, now it's fine for me to test the subject. I can't talk for long anymore. The red army needs me, I need to go. I hope I see him again, I have to leave everything behind. To be honest I didn't think the antiserum was going to be this critical...

I was shocked. He wanted to see me again. Now I have to find him. But where do I start... so many things to choose from yet only some of them give me answers. I'll start small. Aroa. I'll have to ask her a lot of questions.
The farther I go into this personal mission the more I learn about him. I can't wait to find him. He's the only hope I have for this world.


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