Chapter 4

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Demon Of Chaos


I gently rub the side of the table. What would happen if I click it. Then it hits me like a thunder rod. Red... tord. Green... edd. Purple... matt. Dark green... Edwardo. Dark purple... mark. Blue... me. My eyes widen. Why would we all be targets. Why would Aroa want me to be target 1, red. This doesn't make sense. Everything makes more sense every second I'm here. But I'm getting no closer to tord. That reminds me. I quickly look at Aroa's screen. My breathing quickened. "Aora you said you could answer any question I ask, except for the ones that someone else said they wanted to be a secret!" I say rather quickly, but the question I'm about to ask could change everything.

Yes, I did. What do you need tom?

My questioning look turns into a smile of relief in seconds. Then turns to determination. I take a deep breath, calming my nerves. Then I ask the question. "Aroa...did I kill tord...?" She is silent but answers.

Searching... searching... searching... no evidence of life. I am sorry. Either you killed him or he does not want to be found.

As soon as she says that, all hope is lost. The part of my mind that wants to find tord will always be murky. No evidence of life. No details. No last seen anything. Hasn't been seen since the robot explosion. Nothing. He doesn't even want to be found. Then the voice pops up in my head. The same one that I went crazy for. That same chaotic voice in the bathroom, just hours ago.

He doesn't even want to be found. What makes you think he would want to see you. The last person he would want to see is you... MONSTER!!! Hahaha, monster, monster, monster.

The voice says monster over and over again in my head causing my to grab my hair, from the massive headache. My eyes are shut tight, I scream for bloody murder. But, nothing will make the voice go away. The headache gets worse. I fall on my knees. I'm bent over, in a ball. "Ahhhhh, HELP!!!" I scream, but I know no one will help me, thanks to the soundproof walls. My eyes somehow close tighter, I feel like they could pop into my skull. I look up, and open my eyes, but... it didn't feel like me. I was just watching through them. My newer non-me-controlling-self gets up. It takes one step, then another. It hurts really bad to let something else take control of me. It goes up to the mirror. Quietly looking at himself. It has horns patterned like a plaid shirt. The horns were a dark and light purple, the kind you would see girls wearing at a bar, or club. Glowing purple eyes, with streaks around then, as if I haven't slept in days. My hands aren't hands, they're large claws with scales. My jacket is ripped. Showing my right arm, and my left shoulder. I'm scared. I want to hug somebody, but I'm unable to move.

I'm panicking, screaming for dear life, scratching at everything in sight, screaming like you have never heard a man scream before. It felt like my vocal chords could break at any second. But, my emotions on the outside show nothing. Just an evil smirk that show sharp teeth, and furrowed eyebrows.

Then a thought strikes me, unexpectedly uninvited. "Tom, the demon of chaos." Demon of Chaos. I'm am the demon of Chaos. My eyes are widen. I look down at myself. I look at my hands in pure fear. I am dangerous... I am a monster. I grab the side of my face with my hands. Tears come out of my eyes.

Why can't I be normal for once in my life. I collapse and curl up into a ball of defeat into the darkness, as everything seems to be murky in my life. And everything seems to leave me. Edd, Matt, John, my mom and dad.... Tord. Why can't I just be happy.

But even in the darkest of times. I can always remember what tord told me when I was just a little boy.

*Flash back*

I was in my room, crying. I didn't want to go to school. I'm dumb. All the smart kids go to private school. I'm just a dumb, stupid little brat, who can't even solve a freakin simple math equation. The door opens with a creak very slowly. Its tord. My best friend. Why was he here? To tease me? Make me feel better? Bride me help him with something? Tord walks toward me, and sits on the bed. Hanging upside down. I scoot away, not wanting to talk to him. "What's the matter buddy?" He says quite calm, and in a soft voice, like a mother's. "I don't want to talk about it!!!" I say with an attitude. "Why?" He says calm again, as if I'm not mad. It annoys me. How he can be so calm in situations, and I can't. It makes me angry. I furrow my eyes and look at him. I cross my arms and make then into little balls of fist. "I SAID I DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!" I say loudly but I don't care, as long as I get it through his small head. But instead of leaving it at that, I go on. "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL, I JUST HATE MEETING NEW PEOPLE!! I WANT IT TO JUST BE YOU AND ME, FOREVER!!! I WISH...." I pause taking a breathe for what I'm about to say. Then I just let it slip out of my mouth, like a river. "... I WISH I COULD JUST DIE!!!" Tord was calm the entire time I was screaming. Like he could fix whatever I said. But when I said the last part, his eyes widened. His eye brows, made a worried expression. He quickly gets off the bed a grabs my shoulder. He looks me straight into the eyes, he picks up my chin, and says something I will never forget.

"Tom, you were created to do great things, words only come to life when you believe. So,lift up your eyes discouraged one, when you feel like giving up, when they say it can't be done. Its up to you to show them why their wrong."

I look up at him. I'm calmer. Like his words are soothing me. I scoot closer to him. "Show who their wrong, tord?" I say with curiously.

Tord looks at me and gets closer, so it looks like two 7 year olds just in a room having a serious conversation. Then he speaks. "The bad people. The people that want you to fail at everything. The demons who want to ruin your life. Don't let them, because, whether you know it or not there's always going to be someone out there, in the world who loves you with all their heart." He says with a simple sweet smile in the end.

*End Flashback*


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