Chapter 6

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   My thoughts are black. The smell is smells of dust and metal. The touch is the fabric of my hoodie. The sound.. Is nothing. I had died. Or at least that's what I thought. I open my eyes slowly letting my pupil dilate.

   I look to the right. My face makes a confused, alerted look. Everything is just the way it was before the, demon. I swiftly look to my left. I look at my hoodie. It was still ripped. On the floor was a first aid kit. I raise an eyebrow, thinking that I may need that one day, but I'll pick it up in just sec. I sigh a little out of my nose. My eyebrows softening. The moment of realization hits me. Aroa, tord, the target numbers.

    I look over to my left to where the buttons are. Aroa! I fast walk and run up the stairs. On my way I pick the first aid kit, and put it in my jeans.

    I'm breathe slightly heavily. I go over to aroa. And hit the table dust flying into the air.

    “Aroa!” I yell.

     “Yes, what may I do for you, tom…”

   I’m hesitant, but I need to do this. I need to know. I want to know. I love him. And I will do anything it takes to find him.

   “I'm ready to push the button. Target 1” I say. I look at the button. The glass part lifting up, and off the button. I furrow my eyebrows in determination. I slam my hand against the button.          The table lights up. And aroa screen reads  ‘loading…’ upon it.

It then goes red and says, ‘target mode… 1’ she then speaks.

    “initializing target system test sequence in… 3, 2, 1.”

  A beep is heard then she speaks once more.

   “mark alowmanate initiate…”

  Nothing is heard after that. Silence. I stand there for a few seconds confused until, a excruciating pain is felt upon my left arm. The mark. Is fully shown due to the ripping of my hoodie. It has lighten up a purple color. Burning through my skin, smoke slightly floating upwards. I wince at the pain, but not too much.

Aroa then speaks and pause. The mark on my arm dying down. Soon going back to where it was before. I stare at it. My eyebrows still a furrowed look. I stare until aroa speaks again

  “Static frequencies engage…”

   Static frequencies engage? What? I look around for anything to happen. Then I feel my feet vibrate. I squeeze my toes, trying to grip the ground. I put my hands out balancing myself. The ground shakes harder. At first you would think, earthquake. But, no. Nothing was coming apart. There is a small sound to be heard over the continuous  of clattering parts and loose thing laying around. The sound got louder and louder. I tried to see where the sound was coming from, but I couldn't concentrate with all the sounds. I was getting annoyed. Anger building up in me like a great dam about to explode. I couldn't see everything moving too fast. And that's when I snapped. I shut my eyes tight. I put my hands in a fist and slammed my hands across the air in front of my face letting my fist go into a wide handed position.

   Everything stopped. Everything was quiet. Everything not hitting me anymore. I opened my eyes quickly. I was surrounded by a purple bubble. Everything In the bubble was not moving. Everything outside the bubble was still going like nothing is happening. I'm being protected. I look at aroa screen. It lights up, and spells the words ‘pause.’

  I put my hands down. The bubble disappearing. It was a mess in here now. Everything scatter among the ground. Aroa speaks once more. Bring one more test.

  “Subsonic trainers begin…”

   My eyes widen. I know what this is. She wants me to figure out my powers. She wants me to use my powers for her use. Why? Demons are bad…. Right?

   I'm shot out of my thoughts when I hear a noise behind me. It was a man. But, ninja looking. Two more pop out next to him.

  My eyes widen more. Fear runs through me. One jumps at me. I get into alert mode. My claws come out. They all come at me. At once.

 One swipes his sword above my head the other going for my feet just second after every hit the other gives. I dodge both of them. The third one goes for my back. But, out of habit. My sense kick in, and a swipe my hand against the sword being swung at me. The sword snaps in half, throwing it across the room. I stare at him, as his eyes following the thrown sword. We make eye contact. He may have a mask on but I can still see the angry in his facial expressions.

   He goes for me, I put my hand up. We jump in the air. And for moment I feel like I'm in a movie, going in slow motion. I slice. But instead of blood. I see pixels. I land and turn around. He disappears into thin air. Pixels flowing up then just as the man… disappear. It was sad. I'll admit it, but the guy deserved it. Plus, he wasn't even real, so it didn't hurt me as bad.

    The other two run at me, in two different directions. They have their arms extended all the way from them, with swords in hand. I time perfectly. Before they reach me I'll duck. So they get each other.

     They reach closer. Every second counts.

    “Three” I say to myself. Their runs get louder. Their stomps get deafening with every raging trample.

     “Two” my breathing hitches, as I've never done this before. These guys or pixels look like veterans. And I'm standing with a ripped up hoodie, and purple claws.

    “One” I breathe out letting all my regret and doubt leave my body, until I filled with relaxedness and confidence.

I duck.

  But… I was too late. I feel the blood run down abdominal section. I follow the warm crimson liquid with my hand. As I reach the source. The two men fall on both sides of me. Lifeless. But in too interested in my injury then the guys they just tried to kill me in their last seconds of life.

     My hand gets closer to my face, as fear builds up like legos. Just getting higher and higher. My hand reaches my chin, to my mouth, to my nose. And it ends. The sword hit the bridge of my nose dangerously close to my eyes. The legos get knock over just little bit, but not enough to help me.

    I get up, and put my hands down my pants. I grab the first aid kit, and open it up once in front of me. I grab the band aid, and a tissue. And wipe the cut, then put the band aid on. I put the kit back in my pants. I knew that would come in handy. Just didn't know it would be that early.

     Aroa’s screen beeps as she speaks.

     “Simulation complete”

  I furrow my eyebrows, and sigh. Simulation complete my ass. If that was just a simulation… I've got to get in shape.

       She speaks but says something a little more useful.

       “You've won, demon of chaos.”

      “Yea, what did I win.” I say, with sass.

      “You've won a door.” She says with no hesitation. I look at her with a stumped face. I won a door…. I fought three men. Who happened to be pixels. I hurt I my arm, the bubble I made, was for a door. Hpmf.

     These a sound behind me. I turn, to see a door, I've never noticed before. It was actually quite interesting. I walk to it at a normal paste, showing no fear. Just in case anything was watching me on the other side.

    I grab the rim of the door. Letting my eyes scan into the murky room. I step inside. Putting my hand in the Inside of the wall. It was dusty. I flip the switch. Didn't work… in fact it looked like nobody has been here in awhile. Not since the… incident anyway. I step further into the room. I could still see just a little from the light coming from the other room. I decide to say it aloud.

   “Well, at least I can still see…”  I say, with a smile, something haven't done in about 2 to 3 hours. But that smile disappears in an instant as the door closes and beeps to ensure a locking sound.

   “Or not…” I say, as I stand in the dark room. Unable to see anything. Hopeless. Vulnerable. Alone. I sigh.

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