Chapter 8

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Tom's POV
I start searching for a chip around the screen. I look...
Under the desk
On the desk
Near the control panel
In my ass
On the control panel.
I found it. It was hooked up to a PC (the box that makes the computer work). I quickly look for the chip that says 'dairy' on it. Once I spot it i quickly put it in my pocket after grabbing it. I look up to aroa and yell her name.
"AROA!" I say taking my hands out of my pocket, and limping them next to my waist.

Yes, tom. How may I help you.

"How much do you know about tord."

I know everything. I record everything that is said In this room, for evidence for the boss... if he comes back and asks me if someone was here.

She knows. She hesitated. She almost said it. She know where tord is. I need for her to tell me."... do you know where he is...!?!"

That is critical information and cannot be compromised .

Lier. "TELL ME THE TRUTH! Do you know where he is!"

That is critical information and cannot be compromised.

Fuck. Why won't she tell me. Is it really that important. Where the fuck is he. I need to know. Is he in trouble. "AROA! TELL ME! I NEED TO FIND HIM! PLEASE!"

This is critical informa-

"AROA! PLEASE!" I yell as hard as I could. At the top of my lungs. I could feel my lungs and throat about to burst.

That is criti-

"Aroa, w-why won't you tell me..." I finally say giving up. My arms were fully purple now. Was I turning purple because of my anger...? Well, now I know what causes it. I say lifting my eyebrows into a crying position.
Why can't I just do a simple task into saving him... am I that stupid.
"No." I wipe my tears away. I need to stay strong. If tord was here he'd probably say I'm a big baby, or something like that.

 I furrow an eyebrow

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I furrow an eyebrow. I look at aroa... again.
"Aroa, why is this critical and cannot be compromised." I say with a demanding tone.

Because... he's in danger and he doesn't want the 'demons of chaos' coming after him. Remember your smart, but he's smarter. He knew you would come down here.

I was shocked. He was smarter. "What kind of trouble." I say.

Government trouble. Trouble to where you will never have a life again.... I don't think he's ever coming back, tom.

I shudder at thought. Never coming home. It wouldn't be bad though. I'm the negativity, electrons, rotten part of a banana. Nobody likes it. Well, except for those weird people. I guess .... tord is the weird person. I smile at the thought.
"Tell me where he is, I'll bring him back..."

That is-

"AROA,-..." I clear my throat. "aroa, I don't care! I'm your boss in command now! And I command you to tell me where tord is!" I say not wanting to waste any more time (chapters) in this spot anymore.

Yes sir, right away sir. 'Searching....'

The screen goes to a map. The curser would go to certain spot but always go to another, never landing on the same spot twice. Sooner or later it landed on the spot where tord was.

This is the location of tord. He's in RedSirenDr 8536 MapleRidge. (This is a random address don't go looking for it)

"Thank you." I say before a door opens and it shows the outside, to the driveway. I start write down the address and start swiftly walking to the door. Once I touch the door knob to close the door Aroa speaks.

Be carful. I heard from one of tord conversations that this place is bad. Controlled by the black leader. The black leader doesn't care who you are or what you done, he will kill you. She works along side the government, some my even say that he controls the government itself. She has all the latest technology. He will find you, if you find tord.

When she is done I look down.
"Then I guess, I'll have to kill him."  I say before I close the door to the drive way. I need to pack before I go. I say to myself. I look over to the driveway, and look at the motorcycle.
"I'll drive the motorcycle tord left a while ago. He won't mind." I start walking to the front door. Once I grab the sliver cold, dense doorknob. I hear a voice.
I quickly turn around, putting my hands up in the air getting ready to swipe my claws at who ever was there. My dark purple claws come on making a sound that a pasta would make when stirring it, but a little more aggressive. When I finally turn all the way around, nobody is there.
My claws go back in my hand, and my alert mode has gone done, but goes way up when the sound comes back.


My eyes widen. Who was that. I hear them but can't see them. I look around.
"Hello?" I say back.

I'm in your brain dumbass!

I lift my eyebrows as it called me dumbass but then they furrow as I remember who this was. This was the monster I got stuck inside of. The monster I had to yell my feelings out to. The monster I figured out my feelings too. The monster that gave me headaches, and said I was a monster! What did he want? He said he would be back but... why now.

So, you figured out where this tord person is. Hmm. Didn't believe in you, but who the fuck am I believing in anyways. Ha.

"What do you want fat ass!" I say out loud.

Whoa. No need for profanity! Only I can do that. And ouch man, I'm as fat as you are. The other question.... I'm here because you put me here.

"I never wanted you here fucker! What would make me want you anyways. I'd rather die!"

two things. You put me here in that conversation you had with yourself saying, how you were so alone. In that time you were so desperate that your mind wall, that thing that keeps you from insanity. That cracked, And I got through. And the other is if you die I take over boo. So shut the fuck up and learn some facts before you go to your demon in your mind and telling me what to do shit face for a brat. And also.. no profanity.

I growl at him under my breath as I realized that this conversation won't stop unless I stop it myself. I put my hand up to the doorknob again, but before I touched it, it opens itself. I look up to see who it was. And I come face to face with Edd.

Tom x Tord Demons of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now