Chapter Twenty Nine.

Start from the beginning

A tug on his sleeve brought his shocked eyes away from where his friends had vanished. ''You're my godfather, Pay attention to me!'' 

The child got what she wanted, having the attention of all three men for the next 45 minutes, after which, Prompto returned with Kiara; a large smile on her face that fell the moment she saw Noctis. 

He looked up from Aurora, who was sat on his lap just talking about her life, seeing the look on Kiara's face when she realised he was back. ''Hey. I see some stuff happened while I was away'' she smiled, bouncing his knees which in turn bounced the small girl upon them. 

''Yeh, Not much, you know,''  Noctis removed Aurora from his lap and stood to prepare to greet the last friend of the group. He never expected her to slam into him the moment he stood up. ''It's so great to see your dumb face.'' 

''Gee, thanks, Kiara,'' Noctis said sarcastically, but his voice did hold amusement instead of annoyance. ''Soo...mommy, huh?'' Kiara pulled back from the hug and raised her hand to show Noctis the gold band on her finger. ''I'm so glad he got you.'' 

''I wasn't going to let him go anywhere.'' She glanced over to where Prompto stood with their daughter, with Ignis and Gladio. She and Noctis were the perfect distance away to talk quietly without the others hearing. ''Thank you..'' 

Noctis gave Kiara a strange look as her eyes filled with tears. ''Why...what? Why are you thanking me?'' 

''I don't know.'' Kiara shrugged, grinning and giving a teary laugh. ''I just love him so much, I need to thank someone, you know? so much bad stuff has happened and after you left, he tried to pull away. It's been ten years without you and daylight but I... I've been so happy.'' 

''I'm glad.'' Noctis said, feeling his heart weigh down with his own happiness at seeing her happy. ''You and Prompto will have to tell me everything that happened after...''

''After we deal with him.'' 

''Yeah..'' Noctis trailed off. 

''So let's go. Cindy!'' Kiara called out, walking away from Noctis and towards the Garage. ''Aurora! Follow me, Please honey!'' Aurora jumped from Ignis's back, running past Noctis but stopping and going back to give him a quick hug before she once again chased after her mother.

She returned ten minutes later, with a bag in her hands, giving a grin as she walked past the boys and into the nearby caravan. ''She's gonna ....put some clothes on.''

''She had no clothes on under that coat!?'' Noctis asked. ''was she not cold? Was she wearing anything at all?'' 

Prompto scoffed, a dazed look overcoming his face. ''Good stuff, Not much. Very transparent.'' The boy's expressions to this were all different, Noctis seemed disgusted and tried not to imagine it. Ignis looked very uncomfortable, pink cheeks and looking everywhere but where she had gone despite the fact that he couldn't see anyway, and of course, Gladio just didn't care and gave a smirk. 

 Kiara again returned wearing a dress that fell to her calves, it was two-toned with white at the top and slowly merging into midnight blue halfway down around her waist. There was a split down the left side to allow for leg movement, her shoes were her favourite black boots. They didn't go with the dress but she was so comfortable in them. 

''Let's go then.'' 

''Can you fight in that? Not that you don't look great.'' Gladio asked, getting a look from her that spoke 'did you just ask that?' ''Stupid question, okay, I get it'' He added as the five of them walked from the caravan, ''Well fella's, we're homeward bound at last. Time to suit up.'' 

''Finally get to rock these threads!'' 

''Where them with Pride.''

''yeah, just hope they still fit.'' 

It was her turn to wait for the boys as they suited up, Ignis's Gladio and Prompto in their Kingsglaive Uniforms and Noctis was finally dressed as the King he was always meant to be. Kiara smiled as they all fiddled about with their outfits, feeling very lucky. ''You're all still so hot.'' 

''Hey!'' Prompto exclaimed indignantly. ''You're my wife! I should be the only one you find hot!'' 

''Oh and I dooo..'' She breathed in reply, eyes looking up the length of him as he blushed under her stare. ''But you can't share me?'' 

''No!'' the answer was immediate. ''My wife!'' Kiara chuckled but continued to stare at each and every one of her friends...and husband. Prompto noticed this change, as her smile was small and not the same amusing one he'd always seen. ''Kiara? You okay?'' 

She nodded, eyes once again tearing up. ''Oh my, Look at me. One child and i'm suddenly an emotional mess. I you guys so much. You're my best friends. My husband.'' she smiled at Prompto. ''My child's uncles.'' She smiled at Gladio and Ignis. ''her godfather.'' finally looking at Noctis. ''None of you are allowed to die or so help me I will rise all of you from the dead just to kill you again.''

Gladio's booming laugh pierced the silence. ''And here I thought dear Queen Kiara was turning soft! Come on, you sap!'' Gladio, Ignis and Noctis turned to walk towards Insomnia, Prompto stayed an held out his hand with a smile. 

''Let's go home.'' Kiara smiled at his words, placing her hands in his and walking along behind the other three men. She was finally going back to Insomnia, after all these years. Finally. 



Noct is back. yay!

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