"maaaaa!! I came finally .." I shouted throwing me on her.

"krithika don't shouted"my mother scolded giving me a tight hug.

"How are you my girl?" she asked.

"I am good maa"

I broke the hug and went inside taking the bag.Our small flat didn't change at all.The same living room followed by same dining hall and same two bedrooms across it. i am feeling like I went to America and came back after 5 years.

"where is dad and rithu?" I asked.

"beta krithi at this time in Mumbai everyone will sleep generally."my mom answered making my mouth open slightly. She laughed seeing my expression. She came near me and placed her left palm on my cheek.

"Just kidding krithi" she said.Such a good and funny mother I had.yeah I am sure bad moms didn't exist in this world.

"Did you eat anything?" she asked to which I nodded.

"Go and take bath and sleep for now. Tomarrow we will talk about the trip.okay?" she said carrying my bags towards our room. I followed her and enter our room. I saw Rithu sleeping peacefully facing towards our bedroom door.

"don't wake her up" my mom went out warning me. I laughed at her innocence.Placing my phone on the nightstand beside our bed I went near her and bent over her face.

"Rithuuuuuu." .Tucking the free strands of my hair behind my ears I shouted.

"God!!! mom where are you??? what the hell happening here??!!!" she alarmed and shouted with her closed eyes.

"what happened ?" my mom came running.

I laughed loudly at Rithu's reaction making her to open her eyes.

"krithika I told not to wake her up but you stil.." my mom's words got cut off by rithu.

"stupid girl you wake me up..krithika...how dare.."she got up from her bed to beat me. I started running towards the door but bumped to some thing..no its some one. I looked up and saw my dad glaring at us.

"Hii papa"I waved my hand. "how are you?"

"What is happening here?" he asked.

"papa look that krithi came and shouted in my ears." Rithu complained.

"so you are shouting in return?"he asked my sister.

"sorry papa.."we said in union.

"Are you guys thinking that you are small kids."he asked.

"we said sorry.then why are you scolding us now?"I shouted narrowing my eyes.

"Me and your mother should have known this thing before.."he said.

"What thing dad?"my sister asked.

"If some thing is shaking then krithika will surely present near that.."He answered annoying me.

Mom and rithu laughed for his words. Now its my turn to glare him.Seeing my expression he too join my mom and sister.

"stop it please." I pouted to which they laughed more.Seeing them like this makes me laugh.

"Crazy family ever." I said moving my hand in air with a smile on my lips.

"okay okay stop this and go to sleep now.Good night kids.No more discussions about anything okay?"He gave a small warning to which we nodded our heads but we both know what we will do now.

"Finally my darling is back to me"she giggled as my dad disappeared.

"Yess Rithu" I went to her and gave her a hug.

"You know I missed you a lot sister"I said breaking the hug.

"That's why you didn't call me?"she questioned.

Some things are never be forgotten or forgiven.

"Come on Rithu....I already apologized you"

"Okay okay...go and take bath and then we will fight about this.."she said placing towel in my hands.

"What?! you still want to fight over that stupid matter..."I asked.

"No.Just kidding you.."

Giving a fake glare to her I headed for shower.In the middle of the shower she knocked my door disturbing my relaxation.

"What?"I shouted.

"Message for you krithika..."

"Is that important rithu..."

"I think its not important..but I want to know who is this unknown number."

Shit! I think he is the one who send me that message at this stupid time. God is there any trouble waiting outside for me????????


Another chapter out!!!!

Thank you for reading.

Loving him is my mistake(#wattys 2019)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя