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"I'm so excited~" Jimin jumped off of the bed and took a bath after. He dressed himself well so he'll look good at their graduation. He walked out of his room, seeing Yoongi fixing his buttons. Since this will be the last time that he'll talk to the older, he walked near him and turned Yoongi to face him.

"Congratulations, hyung." Jimin greeted as he closed his top's buttons. "I'm happy for you and Hobi hyung."

"T-thanks." Yoongi replied with a small smile. After fixing Yoongi's buttons, he stepped away for a bit. "M-Minnie.."


"Can.. can I uhm.. hug you?" Yoongi asks, hesistantly.

Jimin giggled. "Of course, hyung."

Yoongi cheered himself and hugged the younger. "I missed you, Jimin."

"Hmm." The younger replied.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi said as they parted from the hug. Yoongi couldn't contain his feelings so he cupped the younger's face and planted a soft and long kiss.

Not so long after, Jimin placed his hands above the older's shoulder and responded to the kiss.

After sharing a sweet and passionate kiss, the two parted from each other.


"Congratulations, Batch 20**!!" The principal said. The students removed their graduation cap and tossed it in the air.

Jimin ran to the gang and hugged them while jumping. "Finallyyyyyyyy!!!"

"Let's take a picture!" Jin dragged Hoseok and Yoongi with them for a group picture. Their parents took a picture of them and hugged them after.

"Jimin!" Jiwoon called.

"Yes dad?"

"I'll take a picture of you and Yoongi. Please?" Jiwoon pleased. Jimin sighed and smiled after, pulling the blue mold to his side. "Okay. 1, 2, 3, say kimchi!"

"Kimchi!" Jiwoon smiled after taking a picture for the both. Yoongi smiled at Jimin and walked near Hoseok.

"Son." Jimin faced his Dad. "Your flight is in 30 minutes."

"Ohh. Okay, Dad. I'll tell it to them." Jimin ran to his friends. "Guys, I only have 30 minutes before my flight. We have twenty minutes to drive there."

"Okay. Let's go?"


[Incheon International Airport]
[4:30 pm KST]
[3 minutes before his flight]

"We'll miss you, Jimin." Yoona and Jiwoon said.

"Aww, Mom and Dad. I'll miss you too. I'll call you when I get there." Jimin smiled.

"We'll also miss you, Chimmy and congratulations." Taehyung said. Jimin giggled and hugged his bestfriend.

"I'll miss you so much, Soulmate~" Jimin said.


"You'll call us everyday, okay?" Jungkook said, not letting his tears to fall.


"Of course, Jungkookie. I will." Jimin answered.


"What if Yoongi hyung knew about this?" Namjoon asked.

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