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The smell of cigarette, alcohol and sweat filled the whole place. Jimin is already drunk, after drinking eight bottles of beer. Jimin went out of the club and lit one cigarette. He sipped on it and puffed after.

"Don't smoke here. We can smell it." A tall man said. Jimin ignored the guy and continued to sip on his cigarette. "Hey. I'm talking to you."

"Fuck off man. If you don't want to smell my cigarette's smoke then go somewhere far from this club." Jimin hissed, throwing his cigarette and lighting up another one.

But before that, Jimin ended up being beaten by the guy and his friends.


"Shit." Jimin groaned in pain when he woke up. Pain was all he felt in his whole body. 

He managed to stand up and fix his bed. He took a bath after. He removed his boxers and sweater and threw them at the basket of dirty clothes. He scanned his eyes through his body. Bruises and cuts were all he can see. He took a glance at his wrists and the cuts were increased. His other wrist was also filled with cuts and it looks like it was newly cut. There was one cut that was deep and it's near his pulse.

"I wonder why the fuck I'm still alive," Jimin thought. "Hell it was deep. I should be dead right now."

Jimin shrugged his thoughts off and bathed himself, still feeling the sharp pain from his cuts. After he finished getting ready for his school, he didn't bother to put a band-aid on his wrist and let it inhale some air. He wore a white sweater paired with a black ripped jeans and a pair of black boots.

He slipped on his bag and went straight to his school. People were looking at him, specifically his bruises.

'What happened to him?'
'Those who did that to him, will rot in hell.'
'Awww. My baby's bruised. I want to take care of him.'

Jimin ignored them and go to his classroom. He sat down quietly, groaning at the pain he's still feeling. Little did he know, Yoongi's watching him. Wondering how the hell did Park Jimin got that bruises in his face.


Jimin is still fixing his things. Yoongi was waiting for him outside their room. When Jimin finished fixing his things, he made his way out of the classroom but Yoongi held his wrist tightly and dragged him.

"Y-Yoongi w-w-wait--" Jimin complaint, "--m-my wr-wrist. O-ouch!"

Yoongi stopped, feeling something liquid in his hands. He turned his head to see Jimin's sweater near his wrist became red. He looked at the younger and turned his gaze back at his wrist. Yoongi puckered and raised Jimin's sweater, showing his arms filled with lines of cuts and a deep wound who's currently bleeding. He raised Jimin's sweater at his right arm to see a few cuts, old and new. "W-what's this?"

Jimin shook his head and pulled his arms. He fixed his sweater and ran away, leaving Yoongi mad and confused.

'Did he cut his wrist?' The older thought.

your jiminie's sad, yoongi. make him happy :(

[532 words]

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