my [M]

586 14 5

WARNING: smut ahead.

Yoongi woke up suddenly because of some noise. He opened his eyes, wondering where is Jimin. He sat up and opened his phone. It's 2 am in the morning.

He ruffled his hair and went out of the room.

"Jimin?" He called. He roamed his eyes around and saw the bathroom's light is opened and the door is opened slightly. He walked near the bathroom. "Jimin?"

Sobs were heard as he came near the bathroom. "Jimin?"

No one replied after so he decided to open the door, seeing Jimin sitting in the bathroom's floor holding a sharp blade, attempting to cut his wrist and crying. The older's eyes widen. "Jimin, no!"

He ran towards the younger and tried to snatch the blade. "Give it to me!"

"No! Let me die! Let me kill myself!" Jimin cried. After fighting for the blade, Yoongi ended up winning. He threw the blade away. "You should've just let me die, Yoongi! Give me back the blade!"

"No! You're not going to kill yourself because I'm not letting you." Yoongi said. "Jimin, don't do this please."

"I'm doing this because of you!" Jimin screamed, confusing the older. "Your mom is the reason why my life became fucking miserable! My family's happy why did your mother have to ruin us?!"

"I treated you as my real brother! But you bullied me! You hurt me!" Jimin yelled while crying. "God knows how much I wanted to blame you but I just couldn't! I couldn't so I blamed myself for everything and tried to kill myself because I'm a failure! I'm worthless! I'm just a crazy faggot who kills himself! I am nothing!"

"Blame me. I-I can take it. J-Just please don't kill yourself, Jimin. Please." Yoongi cried after saying those words.

Jimin covered his face with his two hands. "I can't, Yoongi. I can't."

"But why?"

"Because.." Jimin uttered. "B-because.."

"Because what?"

"Because I love you more than a friend and an enemy."

Slience filled the air. Yoongi stopped crying while Jimin began to cry harder. "I-I'm sorry. I know I-I shouldn't but I just can't help myself from f-falling for you. Y-You can hate me. You can hate me now, I'll understand. I'm sorry, Yoongi. I'm sorry I'm a gay. I'm sorry because I love you. I--"

Jimin didn't finished his sentence because he was cutted by Yoongi's sweet kiss. He pulled Jimin's waist, making him sit in his lap. Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck and responded to the older's kiss. Slowly but sweet, they're smiling, feeling the love that they build for kissing. Yoongi's hands caressed Jimin's back while Jimin's hands were massaging Yoongi's hair.

After their make out session, the two parted their lips. They smiled at each other, "Let's continue this to your room yeah?"

Jimin nodded his head and tightened his grip around Yoongi's neck and waist. The gray haired man managed to stand up from the floor, turning the bathroom's light off and carried Jimin to the room. He placed Jimin on the bed gently and hovered above him. "Shall we continue, baby?"

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