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[One week after.]

"Is Jimin absent again?" Taehyung asks. "It's been one week since he's not attending class."

"I'll go to his apartment later." Yoongi replied.

Namjoon puckered. "You know his apartment place, hyung?"

"I brought him to his apartment a week ago." Yoongi said. "Someone almost raped him, good thing I was there."

"Shit." Jin commented. "Do you think he's okay now?"

"I don't think so." Yoongi answered. "After that scene, I walked him home and I was about to left him but he wouldn't let go of me so I spend the night in his apartment."

"Ihhhhhh!" Jungkook squealed. "You're so sweet!"

"I'm sweeter babe." Taehyung complaints.

"Of course you are," Jungkook said, smiling sarcastically. "You are so sweet that you kicked me out of the bed while you're sleeping earlier. Yeah, you're fucking sweet."


"Thank you." The crew handed him the plastic bag with foods inside and bowed at him.

He bought foods that he'll bring to Jimin's apartment. The gray haired man smiled to himself, making his way out of the store. While on his way, his phone rang. He took it from his pocket and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Yoongi? Is this you? This is me, Jennie."

"Jennie? The class president?"

"Uhm yes."

"Why did you call?"

"Uhm, can you go here? I'm at the Diamond Club."

"Uh okay? But why?"

"Jimin's here and he's drunk. I can't handle him, he's too-- Hey! Jimin don't go there! Wait!-- Uh Yoongi? Just please go here now! Bye!"


Before Yoongi could answer, the call has already ended. He immediately ran to the club. He searched for Jimin and Jennie. "Jimin!"

"Yoongi, here!" He found Jennie and Jimin near the bathroom. Jimin's arm around Jennie's shoulder while the other hand is holding a bottle of alcohol.

Yoongi snatched the bottle as he approached the two. "Yah! Nuguya?!"

"Shut up, cunt. Let's go. We're going home." Yoongi stated and grabbed Jimin's arm from Jennie.

Jimin whined. "I don't knowsh you! Why are yoush grabbing me?!"

"Let go of me!"

Jimin's whine gained someone's attention, making him approach the three. "Hey, dude. He said let him go. He doesn't even know you."

"I'm his fucking boyfriend and I can do anything that I want." Yoongi hissed, snaking his arms around Jimin's waist.

"Boyfriend? Any proof?" The guy asked.

Yoongi smirked. "Proof? Arasseo."

Yoongi turned Jimin to face him and kissed him, softly while smiling. Jimin also smiled and wrapped his arms at Yoongi's waist, pulling him closer. Yoongi tapped the younger's back lightly and pulled from the kiss. "Proven enough?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." The guy turned his feet away from the three.

"Jennie, thank you for taking care of him." Yoongi said, "Do you want me to take you home?"

"Ah no, it's okay. I'm with my friends." Jennie pointed a table containing three girls. They waved at them. "You can take Jimin home. He's really drunk right now."

"Okay. I'll see you again next time okay?" Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand as they made their way out of the club. As they were walking, Jimin suddenly stopped. "Hey, why?"

"I'm tireshd. I don't want tsho walk." Jimin stated and sat at the cemented floor.

Yoongi sighed and smiled. The older then, kneeled in front of him, his back facing the younger. "Whutzh?"

"I'll carry you--" Jimin get on the older's back before Yoongi could finish his sentence. "--fuck."

"Hmmmm. Comfshyyy." Jimin giggled, hugging the older's neck softly digging his head at the crook of his neck. "You smell nice."

"Y-yes." Yoongi uttered. He stood up and supported Jimin's body. He managed to walk them home. "Jimin? Where's your keys?"

"Kiss? Here." Jimin kissed Yoongi's cheek while giggling. Yoongi chuckled.

"No. What I mean is door key." Yoongi replied.

"Ow. Hahahaha!" Jimin laughed, reaching his back pocket. "Here."

Yoongi reached for the key but accidentally kissed Jimin's lips. He immediately pulled. "I-I'm sorry. I--"

Jimin tilted Yoongi's head and kissed him softly. After a few seconds, he parted their lips and hugged Yoongi's neck. "I'm sleepy."

Yoongi smiled and opened the door. He walked in front of Jimin's bedroom and opened it, closing it using his feet and placing the younger at his bed, carefully. Jimin's already fast asleep so he took the opportunity to kiss the younger's lips and forehead. He brushed Jimin's locks and rubbed his cheeks.


The gray haired man was about to go to the cabinet but a hand stopped him. "Don't go."

"I won't." Yoongi replied, looking at the younger.

He opened the cabinet and took out a white shirt and a boxer. He walked back to Jimin's bed and stripped the younger's top, changing it to a white shirt.

He removed the jeans next. When he was about to remove his boxers, he gulped and sweats were starting to form. "Shit. I can't do this."

He closed his eyes and changed Jimin's boxers. He wiped his sweat after changing and sat beside Jimin. Jimin rolled to his side and hugged his waist. "Sleep."

"Okay." Yoongi slipped inside his hug and lied down. Jimin huddled and hugged Yoongi's waist, resting his head at the crook of Yoongi's neck. Yoongi wrapped his hand around Jimin and rested his chin at Jimin's head.

After that, they fell asleep quietly.

fluffy chapter for everyoneeee

[891 words]

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