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[Hoseok's Birthday]

[6:45 pm]

"What am I gonna wear?" Jimin asks himself as he scan his eyes around his walk in closet.

After minutes of just thinking what to wear, he ended up wearing a stripe wool sweater, a black leather tight pants and a black boots.

"Wow, Minnie. You look perfect~" Yoongi said as he scooted over the younger and held his waist, placing his chin on his shoulder. "I can't imagine this little tummy having a baby."

"Why? Do you want a child?" Jimin asks his hyung.

"Of course I want to." Yoongi answered, lovingly. "I wanted to have a child since I was a kid. I imagined myself running around the house and playing with my spouse and my child."

Jimin hummed as an answer. He managed to hid his painful heart due to a realization that he can't give Yoongi a child.

"Too bad I can't give you a child." Jimin smiled.

"It's okay, baby. We can still adopt right? As long as you're here with me I'm okay with that." Yoongi replied and kissed the younger's cheeks. "Let's go now, babe? Hoseok and the gang are waiting for us."



"Saeng-il chukhahamnida! Saeng-il chukhahamnida! Saranghaneun Hoseokieeeee~ Saeng-il chukhahamnida!" Hoseok wished for a second and blowed the candles after.

The party was a blast. Jimin is now sitting on the couch while drinking a liquor. Yoongi beside him, started to talk.

"Babe, I'll just give this to Hoseok okay?" Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead and headed to Hoseok's room.

"Hey, chim. Where's Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asks the younger.

"He gave our gift to Hoseok hyung at his room." The younger replied.

Namjoon gave him a confused look. "Well.. he could've just gave it to Hoseok when he go downstairs."

Jimin shrugged and continued to drink.

Hours passed and the gang already went home. Jimin is still waiting for Yoongi to come down so they can go home.

Jimin decided to go upstairs but as he was about to walk, his phone vibrated.

Hyungie 💕

Jimin go home now.

Huh? But how about you? Aren't you gonna go home with me?

Uhm no. Mom called me and she told me that she'll fetch me later.

Go home now.

Uh okay hyung.

I love you.

Yoongi didn't reply after his message so the younger decided to go home by himself. While walking down the dark street, he's fiddling with his sweater, feeling someone is looking at him.

He walked faster but a hand stopped him from walking.


Jimin didn't finished what he was about to say when the guy punched him in the face. Jimin stumbled and fell at the ground with a bleeding lips.

"You dipshit!" The guy kicked his waist, making him groan in pain. "My sister is crying because of you! You unreceptive little son of a bitch!"

"N-no! Stop! I-I don't even k-know who your s-sister is!" Jimin yelped.

The guys hit Jimin's back with a baseball bat, making the younger spat blood.

"Jennie likes your boyfriend but you, being a hindrance! Jennie was hurt! She's crying everytime she's looking at the both of you! She's not eating! She's locking herself up in her room! And that is because of you and your gay boyfriend!"

The guy hit his waist with a baseball bat and left him crying in pain.


my poor jiminie :"(

[571 words]

Whipped Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora