"Let's go in.", Jacob said. I followed him as Christine was walking behind me. We arrived outside of Catherine's room. Jacob went in first as Mark and Christine followed. I didn't go in but instead I just sat outside. I didn't want to cause trouble for Christine especially for Catherine. I'd rather stay here than to see him there. 

"Michael? Why don't you come in?", he said. My eyes opened in shock as I looked at the man standing right in front of me. He was the last person I wanted to hear that from.

"How dare you.", I said. I couldn't contain it anymore. I had to let him know how mad I was.

"Michael?", he said. 

"How dare you make Catherine suffer.", I told him.

"What are you talking about?", he asked.

"Playing dumb, are we?", I replied as I stood up in front of him.

"Hey, what's your problem?", he asked. 

"You see, you're the problem here.", I replied.

"Look Michael, I don't want to start a fuss. Be professional.", Dylan said. Now I'm really pissed off.

"Look who's talking. It's you who's not being professional here, bastard.", I said.

"What did you just call me?", he asked.

"A fucking bastard.", I replied. 

"If you want to steal Catherine away from me, you don't have a chance.", Dylan said. I smirked at his statement. 

"Since when have you and Catherine become a thing?", I asked. Dylan punched me in the face after that. I fell to the floor and I touched my face. I pulled my hand away and I saw blood on my palm.

"Heh.. And here I thought you were the same old scaredy cat.", I insulted him.

"Don't you remember your face on that time when I made you cry at school?", he asked as he smirked at me. He smirked at me! Nobody smirks at me! Nobody smirks at the popular kid and gets away with it! I immediatey stood up and punched him. Dylan almost fell but he was able to maintain his balance.

"That didn't even make me fall. How weaker can you get?", Dylan said. It made even more pissed off as I gave him another punch. Sad part is, he was able to dodge it. I heard the door open when Dylan punched me really hard and I fell hard on the floor. I slightly opened my eyes and I saw Christine and Mark shockingly looking at me while there I saw Catherine in a wheel chair assisted by Jacob.

"Dylan?", Catherine said in a very soft voice though we can all still hear her.

"Catherine.", Dylan said in a worried tone. Yeah. Fuck you Dylan Wilson. You act like you're invincible and mightly but still you're as cowardly as a chicken!

"Look Catherine, I can explain.", Dylan said.

"Okay. Then explain to me why you just punched Michael right in the face.", Catherine asked. Oh Catherine, you came out just in time.

"Michael was the one who started it.", Dylan said. Well of course I bet Mark, Jacob, and Christine knew that I started it since I was raging right from the start.

"And here I thought you were the type of person not to start a fuss. Jacob, take me back to my room.", Catherine said as Jacob took Catherine back inside her room.

"Catherine, wait!", Dylan called out but Catherine ordered Mark to close the door. Dylan and I were the only ones left. 

"Screw you.", I said.

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