I thought about what he said. Girlfriend? That Adrita? She's a nice girl but how can she... Not that I care but I also do like him. Why didn't he ask me to be his girlfriend in the first place?

"You know forget it Sammy boy. According to the dare you are my boyfriend na?"

"Sasha..... but"

"See I will talk to Adrita okay? Please be happy.. I'm trying to lighten up things here"

"Okay dare girlfriend"

"Dare girlfriend huh? Yuck.. I don't like the sound of it... just call me Sasha itself"

"Seringa madam"( Okay madam)

"You know speak in tamil itself. I like you speaking tamil"

"Enamo neenga ipo tamil la pesra maari" (As if you are speaking in tamil right now)

"Hey you know I can speak and understand tamil but I suck at writing in tamil"

"Chuma try panidha paren!"(Just give it a try)

"Okay sapitachean?"

"What language is that? Greek or Aramaic?"

"See you are mocking me I told my tamil typing was bad. I asked whether you had food"

"You mean saaptiya (did you have food) now I understand. Yemma thaye nee inimel English laye pesu (Dear mother [for pun] speak in English itself)"

"So you are alright and happy now?"

"Yes I am thanks to you"

"So what should I tell Adrita? Actually what happened between you guys?"

"Ok ill text you... listen carefully and please don't think bad of me okay?"

"Well okay"

I got ready to hear his story but somewhere it hurt when he mentioned that he had a girlfriend.

He was the only guy to be different from others. Not that I love him but I can't imagine him having another girl that too my friend with him.

Sam's POV

"What's your aim and ambition in life Sasha?"

"Right now my aim is to be an artist"

"Oh! That's interesting"

"I'm not sure though! It can change...btw Sam don't be a playboy otherwise girls will put you in jail"

"Yeah obviously as if that will happen!"

"And I'll help you to stay in the jail for a long time"

"Hey meanie girl!"

"Play the dare which I posted on profile Sammy"

"Dare huh? Okay wait"

"I went to Sasha's profile and saw the dare which she shad posted recently.

"Hey....I choose blue colour"

"Okay wait... I'll send you the dare options"

After sometime, I got a message from her saying about the options for each colour...I saw the dare which I had received.

"Hey girlfriend for a day huh?"

"Ya... why you don't want to play the dare huh Mr.Playboy"

"Me?.... no way! You are my girlfriend starting right now.. I'll live upto your expectations of me as a playboy"

"Yup so what should we do today my boyfriend of the day?"

"Arey I don't know ya.. I never knew what boyfriend and girlfriend means itself"

"Ha ha pathetic and you consider yourself a playboy? it's okay... I'll teach you"

"Sasha it's like they are also normal friends only! Doesn't make much difference na?"

"Nope they are more than friends silly"

"Oh! But it looks the same... I had a girlfriend you know and when I used to chat with her, it was exactly the same way I talk to you or someone else"

"Really? Wow!"

"Doesn't make any difference na?"

"It's not that way! They talk about future life, act romantic even speaks dirty and mushy mushy things"

"Maybe that's why the girl escaped from me!"

"Ha ha yeah right"

"I'm serious.. You know Adrita?"

"Yeah Sammy she is the girl from school right?"

"You are right....I love her but she doesn't want me"

She didn't respond at first but later she tried her best to cheer me up. Wish she was here with me now! Sasha is one really good person but she's from a different league.

I'm not worthy to even be her friend anyways yet she considers me so close.

Eventhough she is from a rich family background, she is the simplest, beautiful eyed soul I ever know. I thought of opening my heart to her.

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