"Alright. Just need to replace a few more wires and a fuse and I'll be done," said Clemont. Clemont had been working for almost an hour, and in that time the lightning storm moved on. "It looks like the surge came from the solar panels on the roof. They probably got struck by lightning. Ash, could you head up to to roof and see how many look damaged, they'll probably look chard or physically broken," asked Clemont. "Sure no problem. What should I do with the bad ones," Ash replied. "See if Nurse Joy has any replacements  lying around. If she does just replace them, if not unplug them so we don't risk them doing any more damage," Clemont replied. With that Ash, headed upstairs.

Upstairs the girls were busily handing out berries and treating simple injuries. Serena just finished up with her last injured Pokemon when she saw Ash walking out into the lobby. "Hey Ash," Serena called out. Ash recognized her angelic voice easily and began to turn around. "Hey Sere..n..a," Ash said as he saw her. Ash stood there gazing upon Serena with his cheeks a bright red as she was wearing a Nurse Joy outfit. At this moment he now understood how Brock felt every time he saw a Nurse Joy, as Ash wanted to get down on one knee and propose to Serena again. He also wondered if the same kind of private thoughts ran through Brock's head at moments like this too. "Ash are you ok," Serena asked sounding concerned. "Oh he's fine," said Korrina as she walked up, also wearing a Nurse Joy outfit. "I have a feeling his mind just went into the gutter when he saw you wearing that." Ash shook his head snapping himself back to reality, "I'm fine sorry. Um, why are you dressed like Nurse Joy, not that I'm complaining." Korrina smirked knowing she was correct about Ash. "Well we figured that if we're going to help Nurse Joy, we should look the part. So how do I look," Serena asked as she twirled. "You look great. Um, will you be keeping that outfit," asked Ash. "Maybe, I haven't decided yet," Serena replied, trying to sound innocent. "I think you should. I uh, better get going, Clemont needs me to do something on the roof before we can know if the generator is fixed." With that Ash started heading outside, almost bumping into people as he kept looking back at Serena. Serena saw this and giggled. "Well, I'm going downstairs to see if I can get a similar response out of Clemont," Korrina said as she walked off.

Up on the roof Ash found only one of the solar panels looking damaged. He asked Nurse Joy if there were any extra, but she said there weren't so he only disconnected it. On his way down off the roof Ash felt an aura in the distance that sent chills down his spine. Once down Ash looked inside and saw Bonnie and Squishy looking out a window in the direction of the aura. Ash walked inside and to them, "so you guys sense it to." "What is it. It's aura feels scared and angry," said Bonnie without looking away. "That's a ledgenday Pokemon, and I think it's in trouble. I'm going to go investigate. With Team Flare running around the region, I don't want to chance it's them trying to grab another ledgenday," Ash said. Ash then turned around to leave. "Wait, what about Pikachu. Aren't you going to get him," asked Bonnie. Ash sighed, "Pikachu will no doubt be weakened by keeping the lights on in here. He won't be strong enough for a fight if it comes down to it. He needs to stay here for his own good." "Well what about the rest of us? We can help too," Bonnie pleaded. "No, it could be too dangerous, you wait here. Besides, you are all busy helping here. I'll be fine, don't worry about me," Ash replied. "Chosen One, be careful. Something doesnt feel right. All the ledgenday Pokemon were told to leave Kalos for a reason. Other than my brother and myself, I can't imagine why any would remain," warned Squishy. "Thanks for the heads up." And with that Ash took off running.

Ash at first didn't push himself too hard to find the aura quickly, but as he got closer the aura was starting to feel more desperate and scared. This caused him to run even faster, but when he started hearing explosions, he went into a dead sprint through the forest. Ash wasn't letting anything slow him down, jumping over fallen trees, ducking below low branches, dodging trees, nothing was going to get in his way. Soon he was close enough to hear voices yelling out attacks. Ash slowed down and looked from behind a tree, so he could have the element of surprise if needed. Ahead of him, in a clearing, was none other than Zapdos. He was on the ground battling over a dozen Team Flare Pokemon and grunts with laser guns. At first Ash couldn't understand why Zapdos was on the ground and didn't just fly away, but then as it launched another attack it was clear. The reason Zapdos didn't fly away was because it couldn't, one of its wings was broken. Ash ducked back behind the tree and pulled out five pokeballs and released the Pokemon inside. Greninja, Hawlucha, Noibat, Goodra, and Gliscor, all looked at Ash eagerly awaiting instruction, then they looked past him and saw the horrific site. "Guys, were going to save Zapdos. If any of you don't feel up to it tell me now," Ash stated. However, none of them needed more than a second to decide, as they each got into position to start running, or fly, and charge right in. Ash smiled at his Pokemon and turned to face the battle as he formed an Aura sphere in each hand. "Charge," Ash yelled as he and his Pokemon ran into battle.

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