Chapter 15

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It was about three in the morning now and back at the house everyone was going through their candy.

Well, I guess it was a little hard to tell whose candy was whose. Riley, Piper, Stevie, Jamie, and Spencer had all dumped their candy onto the coffee table into a giant pile.

As I looked at the candy mountain in awe, Riley stole my bag to look in it then dumped it in the pile too.

“Uh…that was totally my bag of candy you stole, and why is it all in a giant pile?” I asked confused.

“It makes it easier to get what we want and get rid of what we don’t,” I nodded at Spencer then sat down next to him in front of the table.

Out of the corner of my eye, I thought you saw something move. I quickly twisted my head to see what it was, still a little paranoid from Vander’s invasion just last week.

A thin figure with a top hat quickly zoomed around the corner of the hallways upstairs and out of sight.

I sighed and narrowed your eyes at where Dylan used to be, slightly blushing. I hoped it wasn’t very seeable or at least could be taken as normal considering how warm it was in here for October.

“What’s up with him?” Piper asked, “I mean, I know he’s usually anti-social, but gosh...”

A few of the others shrugged then started to sift through the giant pile on the table.

After a few minutes of picking through the pile also, I had a small little pile of my own. This little pile of mine consisted of Butterfingers (which nobody else seemed to like for some alien reason), Crunch bars, and a few other chocolates. I didn’t really like hard candy so I let the others scourge through those.

“Yo Steve! It’s your favorite!” Riley threw a Crabby Patty at Stevie, hitting her in the forehead.

I laughed at her stupefied expression after getting hit and Riley’s aim.

She picked it up after a few seconds looking at it and scrunched up her face, said “gross,” then nonchalantly picked up a Jolly Rancher and quickly chucked it at him.

It hit his arm and he jumped up pointing accusingly at her. “Oh it’s on!” he called and grabbed a handful of candy, throwing it in her direction but missed as she ducked and it hit Piper.

Piper gaped at him as he stood as still as a board before her mouth moved into an evil smile. She grabbed a big ring pop and threw it at Riley.

He smoothly stepped to the side and it glided past him landing on the floor with a small thud.

Then it broke out; a full on war. Except with pieces of edible candy instead of metal bullets, which made it all the more fun.

Candy was flying everywhere, causing me to have to dodge whenever I could and fling some back. I’m pretty sure that I’ll wake up with a few bruises in the morning; somebody had a really good throwing arm.

I was currently kneeling down to pick up some more ammo because all the ammo I had previously had had been thrown around. When I looked up to pinpoint a new target, I saw Jamie throwing his weaponry at me.

I quickly leaned back having a total Inception moment as the blue Jolly Rancher just barely missed the tip of my nose and I fell on your back, my legs stuck underneath my body. 

As I tried to get back up, I was yanked behind one of the sofas as a dead body would be drug around in a horror film. Looking over, I saw a messy mop of blonde hair.

Spencer was smirking at me with a mischievous glint in his golden eyes.

He jerked his hand up just enough for the big wrapped chocolate ball he was holding to get thrown up an inch before landing in his hand again.

“Wha’ d’ya think? Who should I chuck it at?” he tossed it a few inches in the air a few more times.

I raised an eyebrow at him wondering where he even got the big ball of chocolate and he just chuckled.

“How about I just chuck it randomly and see who falls victim?” I shrugged at his proclamation and didn’t say anything. Knowing myself, I would talk too loud and giveaway our hiding spot, causing us to get pelted with candy bullets.

He tosses the big chocolate ball a few inches in the air once again before quickly turning around and throwing the ball over the back of the sofa and ducking back down.

A girlish scream and a loud thud fallowed by a roar of laughter was heard.

I burst out laughing at whoever had screamed. Spencer peaked over the edge of the sofa, me in pursuit. The sight that my eyes landed on made me laugh even harder and Spencer to now burst out laughing along with the others.

Jamie was laying face-down on the carpet; the coffee table moved over about a foot, and the chocolate ball was sitting next to his head.

Jamie groaned and moved his arms so he could lean on them to get up.

Piper was rolling on the floor laughing, while Stevie and Riley were leaning on each other so they didn’t fall over like Piper as they laughed.

Jamie sat up, leaning on his elbows, his hair falling into his green eyes, which shot daggers across the room.

“Where’s the culprit?!” he demanded looking around the room. When his eyes got to the sofa he glared at it.

Spencer and I shot back down to the floor.

Going into ninja mode, I started crawling away aiming for the other sofa. Now that I think about it, that probably wasn’t the brightest idea; leaving my hiding place.

Right as I peaked around the corner to see if it was clear to crawl to the back of the other sofa, a face appeared right before yours, his eyes betraying a playful glint.

“Now we can’t have our culprits running away can we?” Jamie asked.

“Sure we can, where would the fun be if they didn’t get away?” I said smiling a bit.

PAYBACK!” Someone yelled before a shower of candy pelted down around me and Spencer got up and threw some of it back.

The candy war lasted about another half an hour before Stevie and Piper lost interest and started talking together off to the side of the room, Riley had passed out on one of the sofas, and candy was covering every inch of the room. There was even a sucker stuck in Riley’s hair.

“I’m gonna head off to bed n-” Jamie cut himself off as he stifled a yawn and walked out of the room with a small wave behind his back.

 Piper walked over to a side table next to Riley’s head, opened it, and took a book out plopping down in a chair to read.

I ended up migrating back to my room and soon the darkness of sleep came over me and I drifted into the wonderful land of fantasy and dreams.

Are You Serious?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ