Chapter 13

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We’ve been back at Piper’s for about four days.

Four days of sitting around with nothing to do. Four days of no movie watching. Four days of nothing. Four days of no interaction between Audrey and Dylan what-so-ever.

If you think I didn’t see Audrey fall asleep on his shoulder the other day, you’re wrong. Not to act like a girl right now or anything, but I did find it ‘cute’ (as girls would say).

Dylan has been up in his room ever since one of the others woke him up while I carried Audrey up to her room. They were both out of it, but only an idiot is stupid enough to carry Dylan anywhere unless you seriously want a death-wish, no matter how bad of a shape he’s in.

Speaking of idiots, it would take one for you not to notice the vibe between the two of them. Stevie seemed to find it all...ah, how did she word it? ‘Strongly adorable’ I believe were her words. She looked a little on the jealous side to me when she said that.

Dylan just needs to be given a push in the right direction, which is what I plan on doing. I’ve never seen him smile or talk so much around anyone. Never. I’ve known him quite a while too.

I sighed as I got up from my desk chair, making my way to my door and down the hallway.

Once I got to Dylan’s door, I raised my fist and lightly pounded on it twice.


“Dylan, it’s me,” I called and waited.

After about a minute, the door finally opened to reveal the guy I wanted to talk to. He stood there looking at me.

“Can I come in?” I asked gesturing to his room.

He stepped back away from the door and walked further into his room. I followed and closed the door behind me.

Dylan walked over to his desk and started to stack papers and put the different stacks in the drawers or on the back corner of the desk.

“I’m not gonna ask why you’re so afraid, but why?”

He glanced up at me with a confused look before putting a small metal object on a chain in the top drawer.

“You know what I’m talking about.”

“I don’t,” Dylan replied while walking over to sit on his bed, “please elaborate.”

I sighed and leaned against the desk crossing my arms, “you and Audrey.”

He looked away then said “and?”

“Don’t act like a dumbass, I can see it written all over your face.”

“So what if I like her?” It took him a minute or two to answer.

I smiled triumphantly. “Why aren’t you doing anything about it?”

“Why should I?”

“Why shouldn’t you?” I countered back.

“Don’t want to,” he answered simply.

“You should.”

“Why?” Dylan asked getting aggravated.

I flipped my hair out of my eyes and gave him a blank look. Was he really that oblivious?

“Just look at her once in a while. Really look at her,” I finally said.

“And why are you looking at her that way?”

“Chill,” I warned, “I’m just observant unlike some people.”

Dylan scoffed, “like with Valerie?”

“That was none of my business, and I stayed out of it,” I reminded him.

“Just like this, so stay out of it.”

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Dylan raised both his eyebrows at me.

“You haven’t talked to her in a week, and the only interaction between you two have been accidentally falling asleep on each other’s shoulders,” I picked a rubrics cube up that was sitting on the desk. None of the sides were matched in color so I started to twist the different parts.

“She could have fallen asleep on yours just as easily,” he countered back.

“But she didn’t,” I said making a point.

Dylan sighed in frustration before leaning his head on his hands. “F*ck!” he hissed, quickly moving his hand from his left eye. It was still big and purple.

Honestly, it didn’t look comfortable at all. Well, I guess that’d be expected with a black eye, but still.

He glared at me and said “no”.

I held my hands up in surrender, “I never said anything. Chicks dig injuries for some reason. You wanna keep it, it can help you out.”

“I’m going to ignore that.”

“Just remember what I said,” I tossed the finished rubrics cube at Dylan as I walked over to the door. He caught it easily as I let myself out and closed the door behind me.

“Oh hey!” Audrey stopped as she was walking by, “Wanna watch a movie with me and Spencer? I was just about to go find you.”

“Sure, what kind of movie?” Finally something to do!

“Uh, creepy sci-fi thriller...aliens,” she clarified with a smile.

“Sounds good. So it’s just gonna be the three of us?”

Audrey nodded, “pretty much. Riley’s busy drumming, and Stevie and Piper don’t want to watch it. You and Dylan were the only two left to ask.”

“Ah. Well, Dylan’s...busy. Let’s go,” I said but noticed Audrey give Dylan’s door a lasting glance as she followed me.

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