Chapter 3

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Once I had finished in the bathroom, I walked back to the room I had woken up in.

Piper and Stevie were both sitting on the bed talking when I walked in. They looked at each other then got up and pulled me out of the room and dragged me down the hallway.

I didn’t question them and just flapped behind them like a loose piece of paper until we eventually stopped in front of a door.

I panted a bit before looking up at the door. I really needed to get in shape, this is just ridicules. The door was different that all the others. Instead of being just plain wood, it was all black except for a spot in the middle that was red and said in purple “Paint It Black”

I smiled at the door. That was a Rolling Stones song. The lyric “I see a red door and I want to paint it black” ran through my head. I wasn’t a big fan The Rolling Stones, but I loved that song, it was just so unique.

Without a second to spare, they opened it and threw me in. I could have sworn that I saw them come in from the corner of my eye but I didn’t see them once I was in the room. Weird, I thought and took a look around the room. It was HUGE!!! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! How the heck does this all fit in their house?!

There right before me was the biggest music selection I had ever seen. If you took two whole music stores filled to the gills with music, it wouldn’t even begin to compare to this.

Awed, I started down one of the long rows of shelves stacked with CDs and Vinyl Records. All of the music was either rock or metal, no pop, country, rap, or any of that other stuff.

I stopped and sifted through a pile of CDs to my left and determined that I was in the middle of the M’s. I found all of the Motley Crue CDs, which made me very happy, until I realized that I didn’t have my IPod, CD player, or a computer that I could listen to them on.

If they expected me to stay here, which I’m assuming was the case; I would definitely need my stuff.

I lost track of time and how long I was in there, but suddenly I had a feeling that I needed to get out. I don’t know why, but the feeling that I needed to get out was crashing over me. To be honest, I didn’t want to leave, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I tried looked around, trying to find the door. When I couldn’t see it anywhere, let alone a wall of any sort, I startling to panic. What if I never found my way out of here?! What if I died all alone in here?! What if something jumped out from one of the isles and ate me?! Was this some trick? Did Stevie and Piper put me in here to get rid of me? Was this one of those rooms, like room 1408 in that Stephen King story that played with your mind and tricked you into committing suicide? Watch as everyone is in some secret little room watching me laughing their asses off at my frantic searching. I’ll bet you anything they drugged me! I can feel it now! The haziness that I’m guessing drugs gave you before you passed out! Oh god! What am I going to do?!

That’s when I saw a big fluorescent red “EXIT” sign to my right. Relief flooded over me and I headed towards it. I really need to work on not over thinking things, I thought to myself as I neared the door.

Opening it and walking out, I saw the hallway again. Closing the door behind me, I started walking down the hallway.

I guess I could always find someone and ask them about the room or let alone anything.

Something odd caught my eye to my left. I looked over at it then turned back forwards. Double-taking, I looked at it again.

There walking down the staircase was a little dragon. It was about the size of a 2 month old kitten. It was dark blue with black accenting. Waddling down the stairs, its tail wagged back and forth like a dog’s.

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