"Indeed. So what happens next?"

She shot me a look. "My crystal ball's in the shop." She thought of something else and it brought a shy smile to her face. "He really likes me."

"He always has," I pointed out.

She shook her head. "It's different now. I don't know how. Better. I can't explain it."

"Well, fortunately you don't have to," I said.

"Your belt got here?" Cam asked from the doorway, rubbing his eyes. There was about one piece left in his ponytail, the rest crazy and all over. He came over and snuggled next to me and I put my arm around him, still laying down. Bowser jumped up and wagged his tail hard at me. I petted him and he tramped down the imaginary snow by turning in several circles before laying down against Cam with a sigh.

"Oh yes," she said again. "Hi, Cammy."

"Hi, Evie." He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep again. He was like a cat about sleeping.

"That's really amazing," I said as she began transforming. "I could use that makeup and just look like me with weird makeup."

"Not if I put it on you," she said. Now she was working on the lipstick. "Can you get me a wet cloth for the tattoos?"

"Your wish is my command." I got it and opened the tattoos for her. They were all true to character. Evie liked things as authentic as possible. I tried on the blond wig with blue and pink tipped ponytails. Not bad.

"You should be her for Halloween," she said.

"You're not going to?" I put the special hair ties in the ponytails.

"No, I think I might for Comic-Con. Are we even doing anything for Halloween?"

"If we make it till then, we'll figure it out, dude." We knew better than to make plans for October.

"Touche," she said. She began applying the tattooes, taking off her shirt to do the ones on her stomach so she sat in just her bra. I was so glad I wasn't attracted to her and my life wasn't therefore that much more complicated.

I went to pee and when I came back she was adjusting the belt. "Killing it," I said, flabbergasted even though I should have expected it. She not only looked like Harley Quinn; she somehow looked like Margot Robbie playing Harley Quinn. "So crazy."

She gave me a Harley smile and sat back down in the chair to lace up the boots, which were indeed replicas from the movie. She shrugged into the black holsters and donned the Property of Joker jacket. I was getting in to the thought of borrowing the costume for Halloween, not that I could do it justice like she could.

She smoothed the ponytails and spun around so I could see it all, from red and blue shorts that were more underwear than shorts to the Puddin' choker. "You're so mean, dude," I said, thinking of Freddy. I bounced on the bed to wake up Cam, which worked. "Look," I told him.

He did. "Evie, you are so fucking beautiful," he said fondly. "And so mean." He picked up a purple stuffed octopus that was Hadley's and tucked it into his arm.

She overlooked the swearing and smiled. "If I do it for Comic-Con you'll have to be Jared Leto's Joker," she told him. Freddy wouldn't care and Cam would be perfect. He actually did look kind of like Jared Leto.

"'K." He yawned and picked up a clean shirt from his floordrobe to change into. "Poor Freddy."

"I know, right," I said.

I'll Be Holding on to Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें