Chapter 78: "Separate Ways"

Start from the beginning

He needed Talon, more than ever. Whatever powers he had suddenly uncovered were as terrifying as they were incredible. He had counted on at least having Talon to help him. No one else on Earth could begin to understand what he was going through. "I need you, Rufus."

Talon furrowed his brow, hearing something in Jack's voice. "What do you need me for?"

Jack wanted to tell him, but what was the point? Deep down, he knew Talon was absolutely right about the portal. And if this was truly to be their last meeting, he didn't want anything to spoil it. "You're family."

"Don't get emotional on me now," Talon said, clearing his throat. "You're a Ward. You must do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love. I don't need to tell you how dangerous these portals have turned out to be. We can't risk it."

"Of course, you're right." Then Jack realized something, "You said, 'When we leave.'"

Talon stood. "Come to the library."

Cera's body had been wrapped tightly in a set of bedsheets and set on the floor of the library, awaiting transport back to Guildron.

Kate and Harriet were talking by the fireplace when Jack and Talon entered.

"Where's Alba?" Jack asked.

"Still asleep," Kate said. "I think she suffered a concussion so you should leave her alone until she decides to wake up."

"I'll have the doctor check on her in the morning," Harriet said. "Jack, I suppose you just got a new cousin."

Jack nodded but something Kate had said stuck in his mind. Another errant pronoun. "Kate, are you not sticking around?"

Harriet excused herself, suddenly very concerned with something down the hall. Talon joined her.

Kate walked to Jack and quietly took his hand, the universal symbol for uncomfortable news. But even as she searched for the words, he knew. "You're not staying, are you?" He should have been more surprised. It was crazy to think that, after all they had gone through to get back, Kate would want to leave; that she would give up all of the comforts and familiarities of life on Earth and walk willingly into the unknown. But with her, that all made sense. "What about school?"

"Brooks said they'll need physicians when the war ends. He said with my experience, I could start working in a clinic immediately."

"Kate, they live in the thirteenth century!"

"The healers don't. They understand germs and antibiotics."

"They still use leeches!"

"We still use leeches. Jack, how could I possibly go back to Michigan after what we've seen? How can I go back to dorm parties and midterms after being held captive in a dungeon and escaping a murderous warlock? How can I go back to treating sprained ankles and sports concussions? Why wouldn't I go back to Guildron?"

"Because we almost died!" Jack said. "Several times."

"But we lived! And we didn't just survive, Jack, we lived."

"We can live here, too."

"I can't."

"But what about your aunt?"

"I've been gone for a week and I had zero voicemails. I texted her I was joining the Peace Corps. I think she'll be fine."

"Okay, but what about..." His voice trailed off. He'd run out of excuses. "What about me?"

Kate smiled, but it wasn't the smile Jack had hoped for. It was the smile of a friend. There was love there, but no romance. "I'll never forget you, Jack. And I'll never forget what we had. But I belong in Guildron."

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