Chapter 73: "Unwilling Martyr"

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Across the terrace, people shrieked and rushed back, stumbling over tables and scattering chairs. In the levels below, confused murmurs rose up, curious why their bonfires had suddenly gone out and what was going on with the giant flame that had exploded above them.

But then, Cera's fiery figure turned to face the crater and his voice echoed across the expanse. "Your Resistance is over!"

At once, thousands of people went silent. The only sound for miles was the steady crackling of the flames. Cera looked left and right, his head tilting back and forth, like he was looking for something.

No, not looking. Sensing. Searching the air with a level of perception that escaped Jack's understanding.

"Seven hundred and sixty-two miles west of Perdan and ninety-five miles south."

Talon gasped, drawing Cera's attention. The warlock studied him with smoldering eyes. "You must be the legendary Talon." Cera paused, sizing him up. If he recognized Talon, it didn't show. "You thought you were so clever, hiding somewhere that my armies could touch you." He turned to the crowd, his voice rising. "In four days, my ships will arrive at your sanctuary. They will rain fire upon you. They will open portals on every level of this island and flood the streets with brigands. You may fight. You may resist. But you will die. Unless..." He paused dramatically and twisted back to Jack. "You hand over Jackson Ward."

All eyes turned to Jack and Talon stepped up next to him, trying his best not to look intimidated. "You're a fool if you think I'll trust your word with Jack's life."

Cera chuckled. "You're smart. I see why they follow you. I can offer you no assurances or guarantees. But know that I care not for your Resistance, so long as you stay here, out of Guildron. We could even open trade, if you makes you feel better. All I want is to get Jack home."

"And the other magicborn in your tower?"

Jack gaped at Talon for entertaining even a hint of dealing with Cera.

"We can come to an understanding there. After you hand over Jack."

"I can't open the portal," Jack said, just loud enough for Cera and Talon to hear.

Cera's ashen eyes narrowed. "Your father built that portal and sent you through. You must be the only way back through. I don't care if I have to cut your throat open and bleed you dry over the damn thing."

"Why do you even care so much?" Jack said, even as Talon motioned for him to be silent. "Trust me, Earth is not a world you can conquer."

"Who said anything about conquering?"

Jack blinked. He hadn't considered any other reason why Cera was so obsessed with opening the portal.

The warlock smiled at Jack's confusion and then looked to Talon. "I give one day to deliver Jack. You know I don't need an army to burn this place to the ground."

With that, Cera's form exploded with a flash of light that sent gasps through the crowd. Inexplicably, the bonfires burst back to life, lighting the crater once more. Everyone looked at one another and then to Talon, who stared breathlessly at the empty air where Cera had just vanished.

"Joss!" he barked.

In an instant, Joss was at his side. "Sir."

"Post a watch on the eastern rim and send a signal ship out to the horizon."

"Aye," Joss nodded, rushing off.


The healer stood and walked around Kate. "What are your orders?"

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