Chapter 15: "The Circus"

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The scene outside the Ward estate was nothing short of a circus. A mass of people had gathered along the private road leading to the house, fanned out along the fence surrounding the property. Two state police cruisers flanked the main gate, though the officers merely stood against their cars, watching the peaceful gathering. Most of the mourners were dressed in everyday attire, but there was a fair assortment of chain mail, robes, tunics, and earth-colored gowns. Some sat in small groups, reading copies of the books. A few had portable TV's playing the movies out of the back of their vans. Next to the road, a large framed photo of Marcus Ward had been placed on the ground by the gate. Even as the cab pulled up to the crowd, several fans were lighting candles and placing flower wreaths around the portrait.

As their cab pulled through the crowd, Kate gaped at the scene, one hand over her mouth in shock. Jack was surprised, but less so. Marcus Ward's army of fans had never been subtle when it came to their creator. Still, he again felt a sickening revulsion at these strangers grieving so openly for a man they never really knew. Ward Manor had always been his home, his refuge, but now this crowd had turned it into the epicenter of their bereavement.

All of a sudden, he stopped hating all of them. In place of his hate, he unexpectedly envied them. When the day was over, every one of them would drive home and resume their lives. Jack couldn't do that.

A state trooper approached the cab, adjusting his flat-brimmed hat, and regarded them with a cautious glare.

"I told you," the cab drive said over his shoulder. "This is as far as you can go. All private property passed the fence."

This is my property, Jack suddenly thought. His mind flashed to the world of Guildron, where ruling families held great castles that were passed down the bloodline. So it would be with Ward Manor, after the lawyers approved it all, of course.

Jack rolled down his window as the trooper approached. "Morning, son. Here to pay your respects?"

The trooper's considerate tone surprised Jack as he held out his Colorado driver's license. The man's face fell slightly as he read the name. "I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Ward. Let's get you inside."

He spoke into his radio and, seconds later, the big iron gate swung open. Some of the fans looked over as the taxi pulled through and Jack quickly rolled the window back up. One of them pointed, whispering something to his friends but by then the taxi was through the gate and accelerating down the worn path to the house.

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