Donning the Mask

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When all had been said and done, Elliot finally managed to get ahold of her bearings.

With a ringing headache in her head and a tiny bunny resting on her shoulder, she slowly made her way to her first stop.

The smithery kingdom.

In truth, those five people had caused a true apocalypse, only to stop at the very last moment.

Even then, corruption was spreading.

Every animal or human under the influence of the corruption would turn against the world, choosing to serve the five masters residing in the untouchable castle of stone.

The world was on the verge of collapse, and no one could stop it.

But Elliot, she...Could.

That wad, on a certain set of factors.

Of which, Elliot would never give in to until Honey came.

Yet, these people, the inhabitants of the world looked up to the five figures like gods.

Not devils, gods.

They would bring monthly offerings without hoping for returns, only to show their reverence.

But now, it was not the time to worry about such things.

Elliot had less than ten years to bring Honey back and worrying about the world was futile.

In Elliot's eyes, Honey's life was top priority, the world would have to die if need be.

"I'll need a dwarf's bones..." Elliot whispered.

Though she wanted to save Honey, Elliot did not want his safety to be jeopardised.

Thus, she had made a final call.

She would don the mask.

As Elliot put on the mask, an imposing aura flooded the area, the birds flying away as animal fled, the trees swaying dangerously.

From today onwards, Elliot Angels would no longer have empathy, sympathy or any feelings or remorse.

If she wanted to save Honey, she would have to be ruthless.

With the races in shambles, the elites were in the top echelon.

She would need a foolproof plan to gather the materials.

It didn't matter that she would become be object of hatred towards the world, she would simply bear the burden.

All that mattered was that Honey survived.

If he didn't...They would pay with their lives.

"[Greater Teleportation]." Elliot said with an unfamiliar confidence to her words.



Elliot was different.

Honey truly didn't know what to make of it.

With her mask on, she looked truly imposing, like an emperor leering down at peasants with contempt, not a trace of pity within their gaze.

His heart ached at the callous front she put up, blocking out everything.

To him, in her mind, the mask would protect her.

It was a shield that blocked everything, the wall that separated her from the world.

She was an outsider, never to be let in voluntarily.

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