Elliot's Suitor

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"Oh my god." Evie quietly ran up the stairs and hid in her room.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Oh my fucking god." Evie repeated, her mind replaying the scene over and over.

"Elliot...Has a boyfriend? And that boyfriend is...It can't be. H-What?" Evie's mind couldn't wrap around the fact that an almighty rook was chasing after their friend.

A girl that had, by all means, seemed extremely average aside from her looks.

Sure she was stunning but other than that...Surely the rooks weren't so materialistic right?

"He-And Elliot-Kissed. They kissed. He almost had sex with her. B-buh-but...No this isn't your problem Evie. You shouldn't even have seen them. Just try to forget about it and sleep." Evie slapped her cheeks and lied down.

She couldn't sleep that night.

"Morning ladies! I've just had the best fucking sleep in my life! How are you three?" Tom hollered enthusiastically.

"Same here! The room was cold and everything was great!" James praised.

Elliot gave an uneasy smile, quieter than normal.

Evie had bags under her eyes,"Had some trouble sleeping." She yawned.

"Ah...I'll fix you guys some coffee and food." Elliot said, rushing to the kitchen, the sound of cracking fire sounded from the kitchen.

"Yo...You holding up okay?" Tom asked, concerned.

"You seem like you've seen a ghost."

"Or an almost rape." Evie muttered quietly,"I'm FINE guys. Juuuuuuust peachy."

"Okay, stop the sarcasm. You've obviously seen shit. Question is, what shit?"

"Or did you see actual shit. If you did, I don't need to know."

"Fuck's sake Tom act a little more mature would you?"

"What? Do you really want to hear a story about dysentery?"

"Just shut the fuck up." James rolled his eyes before turning to Evie, concerned,"Hey, what happened yesterday night?"

Evie sighed,"I don't know. I just...I don't know if I should tell you, I-"

"It's obviously bugging you, Evie. It isn't healthy to keep stuff bottled up like that." James chided.

Evie broke,"Fine. But if I tell you...You HAVE to promise to not tell Elliot I ever said anything. She'll fucking murder me. And...It's practically the big secret she's been trying to avoid."

"I promise."

"Same here. We won't tell on you. So tell us! What'd you see?"

"Elliot's boyfriend...He tried to rape her last night." Evie whispered quietly.

James felt the fury boil in him as he seethed in rage,"What?" He asked quietly.

"..." Tom's hands closed into fists, turning white from pressure, his teeth clenched as his brows furrowed.

"We need to report him. Illegal-" James was cut off by Evie.


"But? What but, Evie? Our friend was almost raped. RAPED, Evie! What but is there?!" James hissed.

"Her boyfriend...He's a rook."

Tom's mind blanked,"What?..." He stumbled back as James slumped into his chair.

"The Devil's Trident. Right hand of the Emperor. We can't even touch him...I don't know what to do and Elliot...I saw her cry. She looked so...Ugh I'm the worst. How could I peek in on them?" Evie hid her face in her hands.

James felt utterly defeated.

He couldn't even prevent a girl he liked from being hurt.

She was probably handling it better than him.

He felt useless.

He knocked his head against the table, tears forming at the edges of his eyes.

Right now, he hated himself for being such a useless piece of trash.

Tom was at a loss for words,"There must be something we can do, right? I mean surely even rooks are bind to the rules..."

"But the Emperor would side with him than with us. We're not even worth being called dirt under his feet. There's nothing we can do but make Elliot feel better..." Evie muttered.

"That fucking bastard...How did Elliot escape?"

"He probably noticed me and tried to leave. He even looked sorry. Those fucks can fake anything. This is our fault. We made Elliot come here..Oh god. She probably ran away from him...We're the worst." Evie cursed.

The sizzling sound of oil died down,"She's coming back. Quick, act natural!" Evie whispered loudly.

"I made pancakes and bacon. Is it okay?" Elliot asked from the kitchen.

"Yep! I love bacon!" Tom said, a stiff grin plastered on his face as he shouted.

"I'll get it ready."

"We really need to think of how to resolve this."

"You think I don't know that? But what can we do? If we ask to go back now she might realise."

"We'll...Make her happy." James said quietly.


"We'll make sure she's happy on this trip. So happy that she forgets about it."

Tom chuckled uneasily,"You do realise that you can't just forget about being almost raped right? That's like asking you to forget your sword skills."

"We'll just have to try." James said, fiery determination set ablaze.


"YOU WHAAAAT?!" Alyssa screeched, a look of unfiltered anger hidden by her mask.

Honey staggered back from Alyssa's sudden outbreak.

"You bastard..." Alyssa growled,"All this time...All this time i've let you get master...AND YOU TRIED TO FORCE HER?"

"Alyssa I-"

"Shut up. You're a fucking low-life, Honey. You don't deserve to be by master's side. You deserve to FUCKING DIE! [Greater Teleportation]!"

The world around them changed to a grassland that spread for kilometres.

"Eh?..." Abigail, alongside the rest of the Masked Depravities were teleported.

Honey grit his teeth.

This was his punishment.

"THIS...THIS MAN..." Alyssa screamed, pointing at Honey,"HE TRIED TO FORCEFULLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MASTER!"

The moment Alyssa's words registered in their mind, their anger skyrocketed.

An aura of death loomed ominously.

"..." The four of them had gone silent for a moment.

"You deserve a fate worse than death." Alyssa said, tears forming at the edges of her eyes.

"Oi. Just who do you think you are?" Belladonna said menacingly.

"Don't overstep your bounds, King rook Honey." Abigail said softly.

"Die." Candie's usual manical facade slowly slipped away, his eyes already piercing holes into Honey's body, his eyes wide with red hot anger, explosive strength coursing through him as violent thoughts overflowed in his mind.

Honey stepped back,"I...I deserve everything I have coming to me. I won't fight back. But...I lo-"

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