A Stranger

978 65 3

After dropping off their baggage at Elliot's house, they promptly left, eagerly wanting to see the sights of Elisia's capital.

"Woah there's like twenty races!" Evie shouted,"And that pink stuff, what's that?"

"Ice-cream. It's pretty nice."

"Nice? It was like the best thing I've tasted in my life!" James exclaimed.

"Yeah, the place is pretty nice I guess."

"Like how did they even get friggin DRAGONS to work for them?"

"Well...I think if they could stomp three armies a dragon is not much?..."

"That's true...Well...Elisia makes other countries look like...Garbage."

"It's 'cause each rook rules a place. Lord Commandment rules the Nighttime City, the place for 'Bars' and 'Hotspots' for races to get to hang out. Then there's the Queen of Hearts that rules the Cards City where knights and guards train. The Oracle rules the City of Architecture."

"The Vampires takes the City of Magic, the hotspot of magic materials and if anyone needs help with travelling. Then the Princess is in the City of Smithery and Enchantment with the dwarves. Magic enchantment and weapons are produced there."

"Selia Greyscale, a new member rules the Beast-kin that helps with building. I think there were two more kings, Lord Rajnesh and Darwin rule the humans kingdoms that help out a bit of everything. And finally, Holliet, the capital, the creme de la creme, the main pub linking all cities where the Emperor resides, where all the trade happens between cities. A few of every race lives here." Elliot finished her basic explanation of the layout.

"So there are..."

"One capital, seven main cities and three secondary cities. Ten races in total."

"Damn. The weapons are sharp! Normal ones can't compare...And they're just a little more expensive!"

"It's good. It's all good! Too good!" Evie shouted, causing a few sniggers.

"Stop shouting so loudly...We look like idiots..." James sighed.

Elliot's mouth tilted ever so slightly, the enjoyment of her friends a boost to her self-esteem.

Then she saw Honey in his mask, people parting aside for him.

Turning a horrific shade of crimson that went down to her neck, Elliot hurriedly called to the group,"Hurry! Let's go!" She pulled James and Evie away, Tom rushing after them.

"What's the hurry?" Tom asked.

"Behind us!" Elliot hid her blush as she hissed.

They looked behind to see a masked figure walking in the middle of the road, reverence on the citizens' and travellers' face alike.

In his presence, no one dared to move or even speak.

"Holy shit...That's the Devil's Trident." Tom whispered in quiet amazement, mouth dangling as he dumbly ran away.

Elliot ran until Honey was out of sight.

"Not yet." Elliot shook her head.

My heart can't handle it.

The unspoken words rang out loudly within her.

"That was...Epic." James breathed,"He's definitely strong."

"Extremely." Evie bit her lip, pupils slightly dilated, her breathing ragged.

"Fuck, why does everyone here look good? Do you shower daily or something?!" Tom exclaimed.

Elliot scrunched up her face,"You don't?..."

"You what?" Tom asked confusedly,"Who can afford to bathe daily?"

"There's a lack of clean water in Bherealia. It's not a cheap commodity. So we usually bathe once every three...No- four days." James explained.

Elliot stepped back,"Either my nose is broken or i've gotten used to it."

"Wait, you mean you've been bathing daily?" Evie shouted.

"I think so...Might have missed a day or two but usually daily." Elliot muttered.

"How? I thought you were dying to earn money or something!"

"I just needed spare cash...And it's more of experience." Elliot mumbled.

"This is the first time i've heard about this absolutely disgusting fortune that you've managed to keep from us." Evie looked judgementally.

"It never came up..." Elliot explained weakly.

"And tell why you ran away from this to a shitty country like ours?"

"It's just personal problems I needed to sort out..." Elliot answered softly, almost begging for them to ask.

"C'mon Evie. Give Ellie a break. It's not like she's a spy out to kill us for a bounty. Plus, she could have on multiple occasions if she was one." Tom said, trying to help Elliot.

"I...I know." Evie sigh,"I'm just...Worried, y'know? If there's anything you need to talk about, just let me know, okay?"

Elliot nodded,"Okay."

"Well let's not let small problems of the past keep us down! I'm determined to not waste this trip worrying about useless stuff! Let's go!" James hollered, lightening the mood.



"Oh man...We ate too much." Tom groaned, patting his stomach.

"I blame the food!" James moaned.

"Serves you two right. Who the fuck orders two extra large desserts after two extra large beef bowls and downs it all with beer?" Evie rolled his eyes.

"I thought you had an endless stomach." Elliot said curiously.

"I did...Then I saw the food...And then I didn't anymore..."

"AHHH I wanna go home and sleeeeeeep! Can we sleeeeep?" Tom wailed, clinging onto Elliot's shirt.

"These nincompoops have had a bit much to drink."

"It seems so." Evie sighed.

"Let's go back to my house then. We have the whole of tomorrow for other things."

"Yeah. I'm feeling a little tired too." Evie yawned,"I'll get the muscle head."

"I'll get the other."

Elliot's House.

"I'll turn in for today." Evie called out after putting the two to bed.

"Yep. Goodnight." Elliot answered.

She went to her room, a small bed illuminated by a miniature lamp that seemed to be lighted by some other material that made it cool to the touch.

The room was cooling, almost as if it had been artificially cooled.

The blanket was a warm cover that Evie had the privilege of sleeping with.

"Ugh...Damn you. Once I get back to Bherealia everything's gonna feel like shit. Even my god damned bed." Evie groaned.


Elliot sat down on the couch made from leather and soft cotton, a pot of tea on a try before her alongside a few cookies she had kept as a snack.

"Man, the fridge is working great." Elliot mumbled.

She had given a few ideas from her past life to the elves and dwarves to make.

Since magic existed, there wasn't much need for electricity or oil.

Mana was the only requirement and only a minuscule amount at that.

At that moment, a voice sounded beside her.

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