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"We're here." Elliot called out softly, a town in the near distance not quite within earshot yet.

Ash and Nadia tensed up, patting down the dust and straightening their posture.

They were about to meet people from outside their little island.

But the closer they got, the more depressing the sight became.

The grass was yellow, barely alive.

The houses looked old.

Very old.

Though made of stone, wood and hay, it seemed to have suffered many a battle, the wood rotting away slowly while the bricks cracked.

The people barely casted glances at the newcomers, going about their own day silently, the occasional whisper of voice the only sound beside the trekking of feet.

"Ms Elliot...These people they..." Nadia stared at the people, their eyes nearly blank.

"Ah them? They're all always like this. The world's in rapid decline right now, but it's nothing you little kids should worry about."

Ash turned his head to take a good look at his surroundings.

And on a tattered wood noticeboard, six posters hung, the paper old and worn.

Six masked figures were drawn on the papers, each with the following words accompanying it: INFORMATION: 1,000,000 GOLD.

And below those words was the world 'WANTED' written in bold, a one with numerous zeroes following it.

"Is it because of them?..." Ash pointed to the posters.

Elliot turned her head and stared blankly for a moment,"Nn. That's the one who caused all this...This situation. Well, not the other five. Just the one in the middle. The blank mask. Yeah."

"That person?...Why would they do that?"

"I...I don't know." Elliot said quietly.

Honey glanced down at Elliot, hoping to see Elliot's face without her noticing.

She had her fists clenched for a moment before relaxing them, her brow furrowed slightly as she bit her lip.

She was hiding something.

Honey knew it-No-He could tell.

He'd been with her for nearly seven years now, knew her moods, likes, dislikes, everything.

Don't look too much into it.



We all keep secrets, shit, even I do.

If I, a demon that's been trapped in your shitty body has secrets, surely a girl that's been alive for several thousand years more than me would have more than a few.

Let Elliot keep her secrets, it's fine if she doesn't want to tell.

If she feels comfortable, she will in time, no?

After all, she's your wife.

Honey nodded, agreeing with Xavier,"You're right. I should just...Let her tell me when she's ready." He looked around to occupy himself, trying to block out that part of mind that formed crazy thoughts from his paranoia.

He saw the people from several races walking, not a single one moving away in disgust.

He sighed,"If only things were like this back then. Maybe then...All this would...Wouldn't have happened."

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