Here's To A New Life

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"Morning babe." Honey's reassuring voice woke Elliot up from her peaceful slumber.

"Nuh...Morning..." Elliot said, feeling tired.

"What's wrong?"

"It's...Probably nothing." Elliot dismissed.

"Okay, now you're worrying me. The last time you said that you collapsed from lack of sleep." Honey said.

Elliot snuggled up to Honey, Honey's shirt, one that she was wearing the only thing that separated their skin.

"I dreamt that everyone turned against me. That I...I'd be left alone again." Elliot mumbled into Honey's chest.

"Oh...Oh Ellie." Honey held Elliot like fragile porcelain, almost afraid that he'd break her,"Even if...Even if the world betrays you...Know that I...I won't. I won't ever. No matter what happens...I'll be by your side. And only yours."

Elliot nodded,"I know...I know."



A loud explosion sounded as Belladonna burst through the door, bleeding heavily.

"Oh my gosh! Belladonna!" Elliot shouted, helping her to her bed.

"Master!" Belladonna screamed, desperation never seen in the cool headed her before,"You must run! Run away farther than ever!"

"Bella?..." Honey asked, uncertainty in his voice,"What's going on?"

"Something..." Belladonna vomited blood on the floor, holding her stomach,"Something terrible has come! It's...Taking...Over...Us! We're stalling for time to...let you escape!"

Honey paled.

No way.

No way.


Elliot's fight or flight response kicked in.

"I'll save you when we formulate a plan." Elliot whispered quickly.

Belladonna nodded, doubling over in agony.

"Honey, we have to go!" Elliot shouted,"I'll explain everything later!"

Honey nodded grimly,"Hold my hand. [Greater Teleportation]!"

Elliot stared blankly for a moment before realising it,"Shit! The castle's magic nullifier's gone off! Fuck fuck fuck! We need to! ASAP!" Elliot shouted.

"Jump!" Honey thundered, holding Elliot's hand tightly as they made a break for the window.

Elliot braced for impact, feeling the glass leave minor cuts on her.


The glass shattered.

Elliot felt time stopped as they fell, her senses as if boosted.

"Is this?..." Elliot finally recognised it.

It was the system she made.

[Legacy of Choice]'s combat system.

It only occured when the threat of dying was eminent.

Elliot's eyes squinted,"Thank god for this. Well, thank my past me, I guess."

Elliot grabbed Honey from the air, holding him tight.

She turned to the stables where a few horses laid strewn about.

"Jackpot." Elliot narrowed her eyes as she braced for impact, time speeding up around her once more.


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